Chapter 247 Why Don't You Go to Reincarnation and Be a Human

Originally, the date of Yao'er's reincarnation had already arrived, but she was crying and watching to make them soft-hearted, so she delayed until now, but it is not an option to delay now.

"Well... because it's time again..."

Yao'er nodded, as if she had already taken it for granted that Zong Che had provided her with the Shiyang Pearl, but when asked by Zong Pu, she still felt somewhat guilty.

"Miss Yao'er, you have nothing to do with us, why do you want our young master to provide you with the Yang Shizhu?"

Uncle Liu's words were a bit ruthless, but the facts were the same. Shiyang beads were not cheap, but the clan kept providing them to her all year round. Offset and surplus.

"But... I don't have Yangshizhu..."

After hearing Uncle Liu's words, Jiao'er felt that he didn't miss the old love. After all, the marriage contract between her and Zong Che was still there. Now that he married a woman in the world and failed her, Shiyang Pearl should be used as follow-up compensation. .

But she only dared to think these words in her heart, but with Zong Pu around, how could she have the courage to say them out.

It's just that Jiang is still old and hot, and there is no reason why Zong Pu can't see through what the little one is thinking. As far as Yao'er's little thoughts are concerned, when she was alive, she felt that she hadn't been optimistic about her character.

"If I remember correctly, it's been a long time since the reincarnation time for Miss Yao'er, why not go to reincarnation and be a human being again."

Zong Pu wanted to talk about it a long time ago, but he was soft-hearted towards her. Now she and the ghost mother Shen Meizhuang are making trouble in secret.

"Xiao'er, it's time for you to consider reincarnation. Sun-eating pearls are scarce, and I don't have the energy to look for them anymore. If you insist on staying in the world, you will only end up in ashes."

Zong Che also felt that it was time to speak clearly, blindly softening his heart was not good for anyone.


Yao'er had expected that one day, Mr. Zong would ask her to go to reincarnation, but she didn't expect Zong Che to be so unfeeling.

"Brother Che, I don't want to go to reincarnation yet. I just want to stay by your side for a little longer. You know my intentions... You once promised that you would be with me forever, didn't you?"

This crying scene came as soon as it was said, and after Zong Che finished speaking, he turned his head and begged Zong Pu again: "Master Zong, please grant me, I just want to be with Brother Che forever... It's just a small wish... Please... You fulfilled..."

"But I don't need your company."

Zong Che's ruthless refusal made Yao'er feel like being struck by five thunderbolts in an instant, but at such a time, Shen Meizhuang is not around, what should she do?

It's just that she never expected Zong Che's attitude to become like this...

Could it be because Mr. Zong was present that he had no choice but to speak cruel words to her?

Maybe she should go first, and then talk to Zong Che after Mr. Zong is gone. She must get the Shiyang Pearl, and want her to be reincarnated. How is it possible? Being a ghost is much better than being a human.

An Xiangwan sat next to the male ghost, watching Yuan'er's changing face, wondering what she was thinking, the grandparents of the clan had already talked about this, if she still couldn't understand, then it's really okay There is a way.

"Miss Yao'er, you can't be too greedy. My family's officials have provided you with such long-term yang-eating beads for nearly a thousand years, and now they are powerless."

 Babies, I have been waiting for a long time. I have uploaded two chapters temporarily, and there are two more chapters. I am already working hard. I have been delaying due to moving recently. I am sorry.

  The activity about the baby name of the young master will end tomorrow night, so stay tuned.

  Babies who have not yet joined the group, remember to join the group ring, because the consolation prize must be collected in the group.

  Group number: 75590741, knock on any character, memoza.

(End of this chapter)

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