Chapter 249 Is Madam Not Parting?

"I will, grandpa, don't worry." Zong Che nodded solemnly.

After listening to Mr. Zong's words, An Xiangwan inevitably felt that she was exaggerating. She was just pregnant now, and she hadn't yet reached the stage of bulging belly, so she could move easily.

Letting the male ghost accompany her often has both advantages and disadvantages. For example, if she wants to do something, he will find out.

The matter of the coffin in the cave still haunts her. If Jiang Luofan hadn't come back, she definitely wouldn't be like this.

After that, Zong Pu and Uncle Liu left after not staying for long, saying that the underworld had an appointment with the ghost buddy.

She and the male ghost were left in the hall, and the atmosphere felt awkward, so she got up and walked to sit opposite him.

"Are you really willing to let Mao'er go to reincarnation?"

Zong Che raised his eyebrows and asked teasingly, "Madam is not willing?"

"I can't ask for it."

How could she be reluctant to part with that kind of ghost, it would be better for Mao'er to reincarnate right away, so as not to be an eyesore.


Zong Che responded deeply, and after a moment of silence, he said: "There is still something to do in the underworld, you wait at home obediently for me to come back, if it is too late, go to bed earlier."

"Well, I will."

As soon as she nodded, his figure disappeared, and it was already dark outside the house.

After the ghosts left on the first floor, Aunt Zhang and the servants who came to work today started to move. They were all immobilized by ghost spells before, but now the ghosts dispersed and the effect disappeared.

"Hey, why is it getting dark here, is a storm coming?"

Aunt Zhang walked to the window, only then did she realize that the sky was different from what she had seen before, and she didn't even know that the time between herself and the servant had been frozen for more than two hours.

"Aunt Zhang, you two just dozed off and just woke up. It must be dark outside." An Xiangwan made up a lie to smooth things over. Today is really rough.

First, she teased An Yuya, and then she came back to encounter Qianer who came to trouble her. This ancient ghost thought was so outdated, she felt that she should remind Zong Che and popularize the core values ​​of contemporary socialism to the underworld.

At noon the next day, it was overcast and cloudy.

Outside the cave, a black Hummer drove onto the lawn where there was nowhere to go. The driver was wearing a black mirror, which blocked half of his face, but through the clean front glass, he could still see the beauty of his face. high.

He has brown hair scattered casually, sunglasses on a tall nose bridge, slightly wide thin lips, pink and sexy, wearing a military-colored T-shirt and camouflage mid-leg pants, he looks like a soldier in the army.

The driver next to him was Mu Yi, the boss of his family came to see the cave today, he didn't ask half a word about the reason, guess, could it be about the coffin?
After the car came to a complete stop, Jiang Luofan jumped off the passenger seat and walked straight to the cave. I don't know what's going on inside. That male ghost lives in it, right?

The will-o'-the-wisp guarding the entrance of the cave was so frightened by Jiang Luofan's evil spirit that he shrank to a small corner aside, fearing that he would be hurt by his breath.

Didn't this man confess his love to their young lady before?
To actually come here, I always feel that something terrible is going to happen.

"What to do, this man is so scary, whoever of you is going to inform the young master to come back, something big is going to happen here!"

"This man is clearly here to do something... My soul is weakened, and I have no strength to float to find the Lord. You and you go, I will guard here."

Jiang Luofan couldn't see the will-o'-the-wisp, but he could sense some yin energy, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

After standing for a while, Mu Yi walked up to him, and then he turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to illuminate the path in front of him, and walked deep into the cave, wondering if there were other ghosts besides the male ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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