Chapter 296 It Really Was Song Shao's Creation
"It's okay, go in, wait for you for a while, I'll go in after talking on the phone."

Zhuang Yuansheng came back to his senses, his face became a little serious. After finishing speaking, he turned around and took the phone and walked a little further to the safe passage. He didn't expect to see that woman tonight...

"It's disgusting, the box they booked is actually directly opposite our door."

An Yuya looked disgusted, curled her lips and said something, then the door of the box opened, and Song Shao walked out from inside, he didn't notice that An Xiangwan was there at first.

"Mr. An, Aunt Ci, Xiaoya, you are here, waiting for your order."

After finishing speaking, he noticed that An Xiangwan and Tian were still there, his face froze, and immediately turned livid. He wanted to explain but couldn't find an excuse to cover it up.

An Xiangwan understood that what Zong Che said when he left the house was indeed Song Shao's fault, and he had colluded with the An family to blackmail her.

No wonder things happened so coincidentally, the two female ghosts named her to look for her, the more they thought about it, the more suspicious they became.

Forget it, anyway, she won't care anymore, Song Shao had better not bother her anymore, otherwise she might be cruel and beat him up and lie in the hospital forever.

Tian still didn't see it, Song scumbag's behavior was really surprising.

"go in."

Zong Che said softly, he saw Shen Meizhuang in the box just now, because tonight is the Mid-Autumn Festival, and his status is no longer suitable to intervene in these matters, the underworld has sent someone to follow him secretly.

What will happen to Yao'er and Shen Meizhuang in the end, they can only resign themselves to fate.


An Xiangwan nodded, and walked into the box with him on his arm. Tian Yiran and Zhuang Yu walked behind them, closing the door behind them.

When Zhuang Yu entered the private room, he glanced at Pace Su from the corner of the eye. This was the first time he had seen this woman so closely. He knew that she was his father's ex-wife. Back then, she abandoned her father and married into An's family for the sake of fame, fortune and wealth, but she married her the next year. Killed the widow, perhaps that was her retribution.

With his father's reaction just now, Zhuang Yu didn't hope that there would be any contact or conversation between his father and Su Peici tonight.

Since he thought so, Dunhe also recognized Pace Su when he opened the door just now. Although she hadn't met her formally, she knew very well about her husband's past. She was not worried that her husband would have something with his ex-wife, but she Worried about what Su Peici would do to him, because Zhuang Yuansheng is not what he used to be.

It took Zhuang Yuansheng a long time to call and he didn't come back. Those in the know were wondering if he had talked with Su Peici just now.

After a meal, it is not suitable to eat.

Zhuang Yu never served Tian Yiran any food during the whole process, let alone peeled An Xiangwan's prawn shells as thoughtfully and carefully as Zong Che, and put them on her preparation dish after sticking them with soy sauce.

Tian was still extremely envious, but on the contrary, she served Zhuang Yu with food twice, and then he said softly, "I'll do it myself."

Sitting next to her daughter, Tian's mother happened to hear it, but she couldn't say a word. She felt sorry for her daughter, but she came to love her when others didn't.

Dunhe has also noticed his son's true thoughts, but there is nothing he can do now, he only hopes that the young couple can develop a relationship foundation in the future, otherwise the birth of the child will have a great impact.

It is because of knowing that she still treats Tian better to make up for her son's inadequacy to her.

When Zhuang Yu went out to check out, An Xiangwan received a call from Su Peici.

(End of this chapter)

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