Chapter 312 Then they are now...

An Xiangwan boasted, and immediately took the dinner and the soup pot and put them on the top of the cabinet next to the hospital bed.

"Still, do you feel better?"

Overnight, my best friend looked not only haggard, but her face was yellow, her lips were a little white, and she seemed to have lost weight, which made her feel distressed.


Tian still tried his best to squeeze a smile, not wanting to worry his best friend.

"There is nothing serious about the body. It needs to be recuperated for a period of time. In the near future, you should pay attention to maintaining a good mood, which will help you recover."

After Gong Ze took the blood pressure measurement, he untied the instrument for her, and tidied up while talking, while the nurse at the side took out the registration book to record.

"Well, thank you, Dr. Gong."

Tian Yiran said politely, there are times in life, there must be something in life, and there is always time in life, don't force it, things can only be looked at now.

"Okay, I have to go downstairs to the ICU ward to check with Uncle Zhuang and the others, you guys talk."

Gong Ze packed up his things, motioned for the nurse to follow him, and said to Qing Ling again without forgetting: "Little thing, follow up."


Qingling happily followed behind him, completely ignoring Lin Yan's existence.

"Doctor Gong, walk slowly..."

An Xiangwan looked at Lin Yan and then at Gong Ze. He didn't know what the two of them were up to, but ever since he learned about the relationship between Gong Ze and Lin Yan, he felt quite embarrassed.

Lin Yan could be Gongze's stepmother. At first, she thought she was Gongze's ghost wife... This is a big misunderstanding.

"Sister Lin, is Dr. Gong planning to make a contract with your cousin?"

"No. Qingling's cultivation level is not much higher than that of Yuaner's. She also needs to take Shiyang Pearl once every ten years. She is also avoiding reincarnation."

Lin Yan didn't know what to say, this cousin gave her a headache.

Recently, in the yin-yang rift, there are black markets selling yang-eating beads everywhere. They are all real and fake, and the price is nearly five times cheaper than before. There are a lot of ghosts and yang people looting, which is not a good thing.

"Then they are now..."

An Xiangwan always felt that Qingling approached Gongze for a purpose, such as wanting to eat Yangzhu.

"I don't know. If Qingling wants to be with Gongze, I won't agree. Qingling can't protect him. In terms of the contract, she fails."

When Lin Yan mentioned this, she became a little emotional. She promised Gongze's father that she would protect them until they were both old for a hundred years.

"Then Yao'er and An Jixing..."

An Xiangwan couldn't figure it out. If a ghost is not as powerful as a living person, then the contract...

"It doesn't matter. It depends on the purpose of both parties. I just have an agreement with Gong Ze's father, and Qing Ling can't surpass my strength, so I won't agree."

Lin Yan took a deep breath, then stood up and said, "I'll go downstairs to see them. If there's anything wrong, you can ring the bell to call the nurse. When you leave, call Gong Ze, and I will follow him."

"it is good."

An Xiangwan nodded, wondering if Lin Yan was eager to protect her son, or was she jealous?
At first, they thought they were a couple, they looked alike, but Gong Ze always had a malicious attitude towards Lin Yan.

While thinking about it, Tian Yiran asked, "Xiao Wan, who were you talking to just now?"


An Xiangwan was a little puzzled when he heard the sound. He thought that Tian could still see Lin Yan, but Zhuang Yu could see it when he went out just now... Strange?

"Oh, it's Dr. Gong's... the guardian, to be precise, the stepmother."

In front of her girlfriends, there is no need to keep these things secret from her, the trust between them is unwavering.

(End of this chapter)

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