Chapter 332 Wait until the child is born, then kick that female ghost away
An Jixing hopes to get a yin and yang fetus as soon as possible, and kick the female ghost away after the child is born.


Gongze tried to be brave and smiled first. If An Jixing really had a child in his later years, then An Xiangwan would have a sister-in-law or uncle Yao. Think about it...

While thinking about it, he didn't forget to print the computer list and take him to check.

When An Xiangwan saw An's car at the door, she was wary. When she noticed that An Jixing was the only one coming with a few bodyguards, she was slightly relieved.

I went upstairs to visit my father and Aunt Dun first, and then went to my best friend's ward. She was discharged from the hospital today. When she arrived, her things had been packed, and Zhuang Yu went to help her with the discharge procedures.

After two or three days of recuperation in the hospital, Tian still has almost recovered his complexion, but his face is still a little yellowish, his lips are not rosy enough, and he is not very energetic.

"Xiao Wan, you're here."

"Well, how about coming to pick you up from the hospital?"

The last thing An Xiangwan asked was what was going on between her best friend and Zhuang Yu.

"How about what?" Tian was still not sure what his best friend asked.

"What are you going to do after you're discharged from the hospital? You can't hide things after all."

An Xiangwan was quite afraid that the parents of both parties would be sad for a while after learning the result of the incident, and even the relationship between them would become very awkward from now on.

"I mentioned divorce to Ayu twice, but he didn't agree. Originally, he and I were tied together by this accidental baby. Now that it's gone, there's no need to forcefully bind him, because then he and I are very close. tired."

Tian still doesn't blame Zhuang Yu. She also feels heartbroken when the child is gone, but being able to free him is a good thing.

"Still, it's right for Ayu not to agree to your divorce. Have you ever thought about what kind of infamy he will bear in the future if you let Ayu divorce you at this time? And the relationship between the two, you Have you thought about it? It’s not that if the baby is gone, you two don’t need to be tied together anymore, on the contrary, you will be tied more tightly. Your child is gone, have you ever thought about how to explain it to the elders?”

An Xiangwan felt that her best friend was sometimes very impulsive, and her attitude was relatively negative, but there was no malice.

After all, no one is perfect, and when she is upset, she often makes hasty decisions. She cannot be blamed, and she is not at fault for what she does.

Tian Yiran was enlightened after listening to her girlfriend's words, only to realize that she almost made Zhuang Yu a villain. Originally, she just wanted to restore Zhuang Yu's freedom... Unexpectedly, she almost did something bad with good intentions.

"so what should I do?"

What can I do to make Zhuang Yu feel at ease, without any restraints?

Ever since the unexpected arrival of the child, her feeling of guilt towards Zhuang Yu has become stronger day by day.

"Cultivate a relationship with A Yu, and conceive the child again. Since you are married, it must be a fate cultivated in the previous life. This time, tell your father and others about the misfortune. Sadness will naturally occur, but you Just make it up with A Yu in the future."

An Xiangwan encouraged her best friend, she has always been very optimistic about the two of them, the so-called a hundred generations of cultivation can cross the boat together, and a thousand generations of cultivation can sleep together, since they have come together, why don't they spend the whole life patiently hand in hand?
"it is good."

Tian still nodded, just after answering, she saw Zhuang Yu walking into the ward carrying a bag of medicine, she lowered her head with a little inferiority, and dared not look at him.

When Zhuang Yu came in, he first glanced at Tian Yiran, and then saw An Xiangwan.

(End of this chapter)

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