Chapter 345 Anjia's rice, yes, I have eaten a lot of cold meals

Su Peici was in a panic at the moment, holding back her anger in secret, bent over to pick up the sunglasses, put them on again, pretending to be calm.

"I was tripped by unknown dirty things. I may have had low luck recently, so I saw some unclean things."

She suspected that the previous sentence was Zong Che's childish trick, but the last dirty word meant Zhuang Yuansheng. This man is the stain of her life, ex-husband?
Oh, it really dirty her life.

Zhuang Yuansheng seemed to have heard her subtext, and his face was a little embarrassed, but he didn't answer. If he mocked back, he might appear to be a big man, and he would take his place in a petty manner.

Listening to her words, An Xiangwan felt uncomfortable for sure, and would not give Xing any face if she wanted to go back.

"It seems that my mother has done too many things with a bad heart, and she has been punished. Go back and let that old thing Anjixing drive away evil spirits for you. It is rare that one day your luck will be so low that you will lose your life. No one will take care of your baby in the future." Daughter, help her reach the pinnacle of her life."

These words contained the command of mother's dissatisfaction with her for many years, as well as her extreme contempt for her.

"Oh, what a sour heart is a person who speaks so vitriolicly."

Su Peici countered her daughter's words arrogantly, as if it was true.

However, what she said was indeed a bit serious. An Xiangwan was very sad. All these years, her mother had been running around for her sister, ignoring her, and even sending her to prison.

There was nothing wrong with being mean to a mother like her.

"Don't pretend to be noble. What immoral things have you done yourself? You have a clear mind. Do you really think your daughter is easy to bully? Su Peici, let me tell you, my daughter will be named Zhuang from now on. She is not from the An family, so there is no need With a surname that doesn't belong to her."

Zhuang Yuansheng's words coincided with what Su Peici said when Su Peici called her eldest daughter to stay away from the dealer on the night of the Mid-Autumn Festival. I didn't expect Zhuang Yuansheng to give her a solid foundation now.

Su Peici's chest heaved violently after hearing this.

"Zhuang Yuansheng, don't forget, she was raised by An's family's rice, you didn't do anything, and you robbed my daughter, don't you feel ashamed?"

What she said made An Xiangwan feel extremely ridiculous.

"The An family's rice, yes, I have eaten a lot of cold food, but over the years, the An family has devastated me, and the mere cold food treatment has already offset it. Mom still uses these old things as a problem, shouldn't she feel ashamed? Isn't it you?"

"Xiaowan, you have been wronged all these years. From now on, the dealer will be your natal family. If anyone bullies you, come back and tell us, and we will stand up for you."

Dun He knew that An's family was not good to An Xiangwan, and that it was An's family who sent her to jail, but she couldn't experience the details of these years, those miserable past events, how much the child had endured, and even exceeded it. her imagination.

Su Peici scoffed at Dun He's words.

"Get ahead? A mere banker, want to fight with An Jia?"

The background power of the banker was indeed incomparable to that of the An family, and it was like hitting a stone with a pebble.

"Sorry, don't underestimate the dealer, there is the Zong family behind it, what is the An family in front of the Zong family?"

An Xiangwan raised her chin proudly. Now that she had the big backing of the Zong family, she was no longer afraid of the An family and An Jixing.

Zong Che silently supported him. He had no intention of participating in the dispute between Zhuang An's family. If there was a fight, his woman would be willing to be her indestructible backing at any time as long as she uttered a word.

(End of this chapter)

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