Chapter 348

He raised his hand and gave him a heavy slap in the face, which immediately made his teeth bleed from the corner of his mouth. Two or three seconds later, the nurse woke up from the pain with a little sluggish reaction, subconsciously and instinctively raised his hand to cover his stricken cheek, raised his head Seeing that it was An Jixing standing in front of him, his gaze was as cold as an arrow, he was so frightened that a shiver ran through his body.

"An, Master are here."

He didn't know why he was there, he was obviously playing with his phone just now...

"Look carefully, and next time, I will be dismissed without pay."

In fact, An Jixing had already guessed who would come in. Now there is only one female ghost who can come and go freely in the house. Who else can it be except her, and there is no way to hide it from him.

"Yes, yes, I will never do it again."

The nurse was so frightened that he was trembling all over. An Jixing is a Taoist king, and when he gets angry, he looks like the emperor. He would not dare to give him more courage.

An Jixing glanced angrily at his sleeping grandson on the bed, then turned around and left with a flick of his sleeves.

Time flies, two months have passed in a blink of an eye, and it is now the coldest time in winter.

An Xiangwan was about to give birth, and her belly was as big as a basketball. If she didn't have a belt, she felt that she would be bent down by this yin and yang fetus. Zhang Ma and a few servants took care of her every day.

After Zhuang Yuansheng and Dun He were discharged from the hospital, Dun He and Tian still came to take care of them every now and then. After all, Dun He came here, and she had a wealth of experience from pregnancy to childbirth and confinement.

When the two little sisters were left in the room, Tian was still very envious of her best friend. If she hadn't had a miscarriage, her stomach would have grown so big. It's a pity...that has become a regret in her life.

Ever since that incident happened, Zhuang Yu has treated her much better. She knew that it was because he wanted to make his guilt feel more comfortable. He didn't refuse or expose him. He stayed at the dealer and continued to play husband and wife with him. It seems that they are in the same room, but one still sleeps on the sofa and the other on the bed.

It seems so intimate, but when the door is closed, it is incomparably indifferent, there is no dialogue, the atmosphere is very awkward, but it still continues to linger...

"Aze said that my belly is still seven days away from the due date, I hope everything goes well."

"Yes, he will definitely be a big white and fat boy." Tian still prayed sincerely, and now she pinned all her hopes on her best friend.

"That is, when the time comes, you godmother, remember to love it more."

The corners of An Xiangwan's mouth were filled with a happy smile, and she gently stroked her swollen belly, which was mostly amniotic fluid, and the child weighed about eight catties at most, but she now weighs twice as much as before. .

I don't know if I can get back to my original good figure after giving birth.

Zong Che had found tonics from somewhere these days, and it was too much to raise her up like this.

Tian still listened to her best friend's sweet complaints, and felt that she was now a delicate girl who was spoiled by a male ghost.

I really envy her, as if there is a sharp contrast in life between her and her best friend.

She knew that it was very negative for her to think so, and she told herself that she should think positively, but she just couldn't control it, especially when she saw what she once had.

That night, just after An Xiangwan took a shower and lay down to rest, Zong Che returned from the underworld. He had just changed into his pajamas when he suddenly had a stomachache.

An Xiangwan guessed that she was about to give birth, but just after guessing, the amniotic fluid broke and flowed out of her abdomen incontinently...

 Today is the third update, and there will be another update. There will be a sudden update after midnight tonight. Please look forward to it, babies.

(End of this chapter)

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