Chapter 356 Oh, my mother, who is this? [Seven more]

Gong Ze can't laugh or cry, he's so hungry, could it be his selfishness, he wants Xiao Gua Gua to grow up quickly, if he is put in the underworld, everything will be taken for granted, but it depends on the environment, this is the Yang world.

"You're hungry, let Ren endure for a day or two, can you?"

Zong Pu's words seemed to make sense, Gong Ze shook his head and nodded after listening, he believed it.

After Zong Pu left, he hugged Xiao Guagua, who had become heavy in his hands, and went to An Xiangwan and the male ghost.

In Ward No. VIP3309.

Zong Che was carefully serving his wife to eat stewed coconut milk spoonful by spoonful, what he heard could make up his body.

An Xiangwan sat on the hospital bed, opened his small mouth and swallowed mouthfuls, feeling tired of the sweetness in his heart.

At this moment, Gong Ze walked into the ward with Gua Gua in his arms, and when he saw the heart-piercing scene of showing affection, he almost tortured his single dog's heart.

"Ah, can you two calm down and consider how single people feel."

An Xiangwan returned her contemptuous eyes when she heard the sound: "Obviously you came in by yourself without knocking."

"I knocked, but you were too sweet to hear it."

Gong Ze looked aggrieved, and immediately sent Xiao Gua Gua to her.

"Grandpa Gangzong took Guagua to attract popularity. He grew up all of a sudden, and the nurses in the hospital were so scared that they cried and went on strike."

Zong Che didn't take it seriously, his attitude was similar to Zong Pu's.

"Scared like that for such a trivial matter, how can such a timid person take up his duties in the hospital?"

After hearing this, Gong Ze couldn't help but sigh in his heart, his grandfather and grandson even have the same temper in this respect.

An Xiangwan took Guagua, and his hands sank a little more than when he hugged it in the morning, and he seemed to be half a year old.

"How much energy did Grandpa let Guagua absorb?"

She really couldn't believe that a yin and yang fetus can develop so much after birth, and everything in the underworld is really beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Hearing the sound, Gong Ze walked over, took out a small thing, and gently stuck it into Gua Gua's little ass, but the little guy didn't seem to feel it, and continued to sleep.

After a short meeting, he pulled it out and took a look.

"It's really unlucky for the person who is sucked with [-]% of the energy of a person. I guess that person will be like this for the rest of his life."

An Xiangwan was a little ashamed after hearing this. After all, it was his son who sucked him up like that.

"Grandpa, you messed up this time."

Zong Che glanced at his son, and said calmly: "It depends on what type of person you are attracting. If it is someone with low luck, it is also a type of robbery. If you have done bad things, you will be punished sooner or later."

Grandpa naturally wouldn't act recklessly, and the person who was sucked must have received karma.

The respondent had already returned to Anjia.

When getting out of the car, the driver had just helped An Yuya out and brought her to An Jixing's room, frightened the passing disciples, and shook his finger.

"Oh, my mother, who is this?"

"It's the master."

The driver frowned and tried his best to bear it. In fact, he couldn't accept An Yuya's current appearance, which was terrifying like a half-dead mummy.

"Ah, it was fine when I went out just now, why did it happen after a while?"

The disciple couldn't believe that An Yuya had changed so much in such a short period of time.

"I don't know either. Now that the head of the family asks me to help her find the master, it must be an evil move."

The driver also didn't know what was going on, so he asked the disciple to help An Yuya find An Jixing with him.

Coming to Anji's room, the warm light shines through the door, guessing that the old man must be inside.

"Master, something is wrong, something happened to the head of the house, please come out and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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