Chapter 360 Unexpectedly, An Yuya Can't Even Beat Babies

In the backyard, An Jixing waited for nearly three hours before the Cerberus came back.

Yuan'er could sense the giant dog from a distance, running towards this direction with the earthquake.

When they jumped in from the wall and returned to An Jixing, they found that one of them had a small pure white pillow in its mouth...

Not so much a pillow as a swaddled baby.

Mao'er curiously floated two steps closer, but she didn't dare to get too close. Could it be this little thing that sucked An Yuya's energy away?
I even sneered at An Yuya in my heart, I didn't expect that she couldn't even beat a baby, she really deserves to be trash.

An Jixing took a step forward, picked up the baby, and took a closer look. Unexpectedly, it was a hermaphrodite. It was quite big. It looked like it was half a year old, but it still hadn't opened its eyes and was crying loudly at this time with.

For some reason, he felt that the baby looked familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

But what is certain is that An Yuya's essence is in this little thing's body. Unexpectedly, the newborn baby has already learned to make troubles. It seems that he will have to do justice for the sky tonight.

If it can spit out An Yuya's energy, he will save its life and cultivate it into an adult, so that it can become the leader of the An family in the future.

Yuan'er saw An Jixing hold the baby in his arms and retreated from the hellhound before she dared to float close.

"Master, isn't this a yin and yang fetus?"

This baby looks a bit like Brother Che, especially the mouth, and the shape of the face - the more you look at it, the more it looks like... That woman gave birth?

An Jixing stared at the little milk baby in his arms, thinking about how to preserve its life and at the same time regain the energy of his granddaughter.

He was absorbed in thinking, and let it cry in his arms, as if he didn't feel it.

Yuan'er looked at the baby with a sense of foreboding, if it was really Brother Che's offspring, the An family would be in great trouble soon, but An Jixing didn't realize it.

"Master, don't you think this baby looks a bit like someone?"

She tried to remind her, but she didn't mean it. If Brother Che really called, she hoped that Brother Che would kill An Jixing.

But that was just a thought for a second. If An Jixing died, maybe she would be imprisoned in hell immediately, waiting to be judged. Aunt Zhuang was not here at this time, so she didn't know what to do.

An Jixing was so deep in thought that he didn't pay attention to Mao'er's words.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Mao'er thought that he had heard it and would associate it. He seemed to be quite confident in dealing with the Zong family. It would be great if that was the case.

Just as she thought of this, the table in front of An Jixing suddenly broke in the middle, and the fracture was cut flat by an extremely sharp object.

At this moment, An Jixing sensed that the defensive formation was destroyed by someone, his heartstrings trembled suddenly, and he heard a "pop" in his ears as the string broke.

A burst of strong yin qi mixed with a strong murderous aura, like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, the boundless night above his head suddenly flashed a little silver light, and then something approached at a fast speed, his old face was startled, his expression was livid, and he staggered back Open two or three meters.

He didn't stop backing, when a bat-winged cross sword with purple flames dropped from the sky and shot straight at the position where he was standing just now, raising a thick cloud of sand and dust, blocking the vision of the naked eye.

If An Jixing took two steps back, he might have been split in half.

Qiao'er just saw the sword shoot down the ground, and she hastened to avoid it. Sure enough, it was brother Che's child, that old An Jixing should be lucky for himself.

 Babies, don't worry, what Yunyun said counts, there are at least nine more changes today, but Yunhun will try his best to make more yards.

(End of this chapter)

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