Chapter 362 Everyone Says Hatred Can Make People's Hearts More Evil

His son was just born, he wanted to accumulate some virtue, and leave this old thing alone for now, since his time is running out anyway.

An Jixing didn't want to just return it.

"Mr. Zong, what should I do with my granddaughter's energy?"

Zong Che snorted coldly when he heard the words, raised his chin slightly, and floated a few feet higher, staring at An Jixing with contempt, as if looking at a maggot.

He could trample An Jixing to death as long as he lifted his foot a little harder, but he didn't want to dirty his 'soles'.

"What are you, qualified to negotiate with me?"

After An Jixing heard the male ghost's words, his old face seemed to have been slapped twice, his cheeks were hot, full of humiliation, without dignity.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he was so angry, he could only grit his teeth, endured the exposed veins on his forehead, and returned the baby.

Zong Che watched the old guy return his son, he was slightly relieved, and motioned for the little ghost to catch it, but...

"The death penalty is exempt, but the living crime cannot escape."

After the male ghost finished speaking, he swung the broad sword forward, and An Jixing's hand that had held Guagua just now was completely removed. In just a short blink of an eye, the arm was completely separated from the body, accompanied by a dull sound. There was a "poof", the arm fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood dripped.

Where An Jixing's body was cut open, a large amount of blood spurted out, and it was only then that the others realized that he had lost an arm.

Due to blood loss in a short period of time, the mind and consciousness developed a lack of itching, gradually blurring the vision, and the whole person fell to the cold ground.


His mouth squirmed a few times, not knowing what to say.

Zong Che had no mercy for this kind of person, he vigorously shook off the blood stained on the broad sword, and then inserted it back into the sheath on his back.

After hugging his son from the ghost fire, his purple-clothed figure and the ghost fire faded away, disappearing into the night.

An Jixing fell to the ground and pumped all over his body, the pool of blood was getting bigger and bigger...

It was only after Zong Che left that Yao'er turned back. She had expected that the Anji trip would turn out like this.

It seems that it is impossible to expect the An family to be able to fight against the Zong family, and we have to wait for Aunt Zhuang to come back, and then give her a new idea.

It's just that right now, she can't let An Jixing die, because it won't do her any good.

Raise your hand, use your mind to ignite a raging fire, shrink your eyes, and burn it directly to An Jixing's wound, so as to achieve the effect of quick hemostasis, but it will be very painful, like a knife twisting.

An Jixing didn't expect that she would use such an extreme method, and he was extremely dissatisfied with it.

"Master, don't blame me. You are losing so much blood now. If you don't stop the bleeding in time, your old life will be lost. Then, how will you help Yu Ya get revenge? The Zong family went too far this time, to be so unreasonable. "

Mao'er's words seemed to be defending herself, but also provoking, passing An Jixing's dissatisfaction with herself to the Zong family.

It is said that hatred can make people's hearts more sinister, darker, and at the same time stronger...

"you're right."

An Jixing believed Yuan'er's words, if Zong Che hadn't taken off his arm, if his son hadn't sucked his granddaughter's energy, if An Xiangwan hadn't been there first, how would this result have happened.

Hearing this, Yuan'er's white lips curled into a successful smile, pretending to appease An Jixing.

"Master, don't worry, Yao'er will let you suffer for nothing."

An Jixing didn't intend to listen to her words, but was just thinking about how to take revenge on the Zong family. Tonight, he will definitely fight back.

(End of this chapter)

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