Chapter 366 An Weiyi Has Awakened, Completely

Mu Yi was very efficient in handling affairs, and even secretly photographed the tragic situation of An Jixing's broken arm and was hospitalized. As for An Yuya's appearance of being sucked in, he didn't capture it because she is hiding in the depths of An's house. It took a lot of effort.

As soon as the news came out, the entire industry exploded, saying that Anjia was going to die. An Jixing was lying on the bed with serious injuries, and his right arm was broken. How will Anjia be supported in the future?

An Yuya, as the head of the family, is now neither human nor ghost...

After Su Peici heard about the report, she wanted to spend money to suppress the scandal, but the media refused, as if they all wanted to see how the An family died.

Yao'er floated beside An Jixing's bed, watching him change from 70 years old to an octogenarian in his [-]s overnight.

There was an evil thought in his heart that he could just let him die. With his current ghostly appearance, how could he get revenge? He looked like a waste that was about to turn into maggots.

"Elder-in-law, what should we do with this matter?"

Su Peici is helpless now.

An Jixing lay weakly on the hospital bed, gritted his old teeth and endured the pain of a broken arm, thinking of a way.

Wu'er thinks that the solution is actually very simple to settle down. As long as they know how to choose and choose, they will soon be prosperous again.

"Master, in fact, there is a very good way now."

For her, this method is also something that she is looking forward to very much.


Hearing the sound, An Jixing was hesitating whether to put his hope on the female ghost.

Hearing this, Su Peici became more and more jealous of Yao'er. Once her method was adopted by An Jixing, she and her daughter would still have a seat in An's house in the future.

"Miss Wuer, what can I do?"

Yuan'er smiled meaningfully when she heard the sound, and said, "Let An Weiyi recover completely..."

An Jixing's old face was full of anger when he heard the sound, did this female ghost do it on purpose?

For a moment, he even suspected that she made the news this time, otherwise how would people outside know?
When An Xiangwan saw the news broadcast, she thought she would be able to play with Shen An's family, but she didn't expect that there would be news that she didn't expect.

An Weiyi woke up completely, and the An family recorded a video for him. In the video, he looked good, but he looked pale after not basking in the sun for a long time.

"Hi everyone, I am the eldest son of the An family, An Weiyi. Because of an unfortunate car accident in my early years, I fell asleep for nine years. Now that I wake up, it is the ancestors of the An family who have spirits, and let me revive the prosperity of the An family. About those Report, thank you for your attention and concern, thank you.”

When An Weiyi was young, like An Xiangwan, he was praised as a prodigy in the industry. He didn't need to work hard at all. He could understand the principles by reading books, and he could use Dao tools and spells by analogy...

His own strength seems to be able to grow continuously only by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

Not so much a genius prodigy, but rather a freak in the world of exorcism.

Of course, this freak is a commendatory term, not a derogatory one.

After watching the video, An Xiangwan's thoughts were in a mess. An Weiyi's awakening, I don't know if it's good or bad. From his point of view, is it a blessing or a curse?

I hope I don't get used by the Anjia people.

He has been asleep for nine years, and his mind is still that of a pure teenager. The An family is so dangerous, the more she thinks about it, the more worried she becomes.

If An Jia didn't want to use An Weiyi, why did he choose this time when his three souls suddenly came back?

Could it be that, as Zong Che said before, those three souls are in the hands of An Jixing, but he has been deliberately hiding them from An's family, and now the situation forces him to take this step.

 Babies, Halo is still working hard~ Today’s update will last until I go to bed at night, how many chapters can be added~ What~ I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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