Chapter 369 Well, just wait for me

"Xiao Wan, I believe in you. No matter what others say about you, I just feel that you are credible without any reason in my heart. You are not that kind of person."

Some people don't need to say a thousand words, just make eye contact, and they can get her true inner thoughts.

A person who will not hurt you, she will always give her kindness and smile sincerely, because these cannot be reflected in performances.

Because in front of him, she will carefully want to make people feel the most comfortable, and choose to get along in a way that won't hurt him.

"Why do you suddenly say such embarrassing things, really."

An Xiangwan actually knew what he meant.

After he woke up, how many bad things the people from An's house had said to him about her, he could figure it out with his toes.

"Xiao Wan, why did you marry a ghost?"

This made him unbelievable.

"I was forced to the point where I had nowhere to go, so I had to choose a path that would allow me to turn around. However, don't worry, your brother-in-law is very kind to me."

When An Xiangwan started talking, her beautiful eyes drooped slightly, but when Zong Che was mentioned, her eyes immediately brightened again, as bright as the morning light in midsummer.

In an instant, An Weiyi saw her happiness, which was an enviable and beautiful yearning.

"What about you, do you really want to take over the mess of An's family? An Yuya is the current head of the family, and Su Peici will not back down."

An Xiangwan didn't intend to speak ill of anyone in the An family in front of him, but simply stated a fact.

"It doesn't matter whether you are the head of the family or not. I just don't want to see the big family that grandpa has worked so hard to fall apart. After I wake up, I can still see many familiar faces. That's why I made up my mind to save it."

The more reason is that there was a short memory left by his father, although he has never seen his mother...

The meaning of settling down is different in everyone's mind, but in An Weiyi's heart, it is just a simple home.

I didn't think about how many complicated hearts it wraps, how many unknown dirty inside stories, and scandals.

Because these were done by others, not him, they have nothing to do with him.

"Brother Weiyi, I don't want to say anything more. You have to be careful about Anjia. If you need help, remember to come to me. You have to remember that you are not fighting alone. There is me behind you." A solid shield that can protect you from all injuries at any time."

An Xiangwan's words were not made in a flash of enthusiasm, she was sincere, and she did have a powerful clan as her background.

As long as the An family dares to do any harm to An Weiyi, she will come to the house every minute to do a big sweep.

Let the people who settle down know what it means to be different from what it used to be.

"My little Wan is getting stronger now, and I want to get better soon. As an older brother, I should protect my younger sister. There is no reason for my younger sister to protect my elder brother."

After An Weiyi heard her words, her heart felt warm, and she couldn't help but reach out and rub her head like she did when she was a child.

"Then brother, quickly become stronger, I will wait for you."

An Xiangwan gave him a childish grin back, as if the nine blank years were connected, and they were still the same as they were back then.

"Well, just wait for me, it will be fine."

An Weiyi finally showed a relieved smile. No one in An's family could give such a relaxed mood.

It's just that after leaving here, he has to go back to Anjia, because there is an invisible burden on his shoulders.

 Babies, at least [-] updates have been completed today. After the dizzy dinner, I will work harder. If I can code a few more chapters, I will code a few more chapters.

  By the way~
  Starting today, if you have a small monthly ticket, remember to vote with the recommended ticket~
  Momoza~ I love you~
  In the picture at the end of this chapter, I flashed a song, the ED of the anime "Youth League" crybaby

(End of this chapter)

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