Chapter 380 Settling Down Is The Snake Cave And The Tiger Lair

The matter of An Weiyi being struck by lightning and being admitted to the hospital soon made the news in the industry. Some media wrote vicious words like "God will kill An's family" in the report.

In the morning, when An Xiangwan was having breakfast, he clenched his fists and punched the table in anger when he saw the report, which frightened everyone sitting next to him.

Even Xiao Guagua was so startled by Mummy that he choked on his own saliva, lying in grandma's warm embrace and blinking his eyes from time to time, not knowing what happened.

"what happened?"

Zong Che's caring voice was soft, and he reached out to take her fist and broke it apart.

Tian still saw it, and asked cautiously after being frightened: "Xiao Wan, what did you see so angry?"

"Brother Wei Yi was admitted to the hospital, and the media made him worse. Why should Brother Wei Yi bear the crimes caused by the garbage of An's family?"

"Xiaowan, don't be angry. When I go back to the hospital next time, I'll help your stepbrother see what's going on."

Gong Ze saw that someone had a hot temper early in the morning, so he quickly smoothed her hair. Does it mean that a woman's temper will change drastically after giving birth?

"Okay, I'll go to the hospital with you too, I'm not at ease."

An Xiangwan was helpless. She lost control of her emotions just now, and she has become more irritable recently. She must have gotten angry.

What she didn't expect was that the weird bolt of lightning last night actually struck An Weiyi... Where was he staying at that time?
Thinking about going to the hospital to see An Weiyi's situation.

The more I thought about yesterday's thunder, the more suspicious I felt. Perhaps, her intuition was not wrong yesterday, and the electricity was also coming towards her, but the reason why it failed to achieve its goal is unknown.

All in all, I have to go to the hospital to see him today.

"Then I'll take care of Guagua at home."

Zong Che was worried about leaving Guagua to Dunhe and the others to take care of, fearing that the little guy would go berserk again.

"Well, then you and Guagua wait at home for my return."

An Xiangwan smiled back at him reassuringly. This male ghost is getting warmer and warmer, which is in stark contrast to the first time.

"it is good."

Zong Che let go of her hand and motioned her to have breakfast quickly.

Gong Ze watched the young couple show their affection early in the morning, and he didn't like the combination of dog food for breakfast.

After breakfast, An Xiangwan took Gongze's car to the hospital together.

On the way, Gong Ze played the traffic broadcast. The road outside was in rush hour, and the traffic jam was severe. Wherever there was a traffic jam, he would take a detour as soon as possible. It only took him 10 minutes to get from the villa to the hospital. I have to praise him for being amazing.

If it were An Xiangwan who came to drive, he would have to be late.

As soon as he entered the hospital, An Xiangwan couldn't wait for Gongze to ask An Weiyi which floor and which ward he lived in. Gongze told her to wait, he had to change into a white coat before entering the ward.

However, An Xiangwan said to go there first. What she said made him very worried about how much of a threat the An family was to her.

"If you come to the hospital with me, I have to take care of your safety and let you go there alone. If you are besieged by the An family, how should I explain to the Zong family?"

"Okay, listen to you."

An Xiangwan compromised, Gong Ze was right, the An family is a snake's den and a tiger's den.

While waiting for Gong Ze to change her clothes, she was as impatient as an ant on a hot pot, and she really wanted to know An Weiyi's current situation.

It was only a few days after he woke up, and he was admitted to the hospital again, which made people both angry and unwilling.

After Gongze changed his clothes, she was so anxious that she dragged him into the elevator...

(End of this chapter)

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