Chapter 395 If one day he knows the complete truth...

Cough, those blunt words, for a "reserved" ghost like him, it's better not to say it bluntly.

An Xiangwan picked up the safety lock, the color and patina were really good, and she wanted to put it on for her son when she picked it up, but the male ghost picked up his son stingily, and then floated to the sofa in the living room.


She looked at the jade in her hand, then at the father and son, all right, let's put it away first.

Does Jiang Luofan reject everything that Jiang Luofan sends?
In fact, it's nothing, not to mention that her feelings for him are so clear and easy to see, her son is already born to him, can she still run away with Jiang Luofan with the little bun?

Forget it, let's have breakfast first.

While An Xiangwan was eating breakfast, Zong Che called out the will-o'-the-wisp and let him pass on the things he had planned in his mind just now, the sooner the better.

He can't wait a day now.

Hearing the sound, the little ghost fire nodded their chubby bodies energetically: "Yes!"

Immediately they sank to the floor and split up their work, one was to go back to the clan's house, the other was to go to the Hall of King Yama to find the ghost officer in charge of appraising treasures.

Their owner said that the carat of the diamond must be higher than 44.52, and you need to find at least seven yuan. The little ghost fire and the ghost appraiser of the underworld don’t know what kind of stalk it is, and even the weight is accurate to two decimal places. Anyway, let’s do it .

These expensive treasures found for the young lady and the young master are all priceless, somehow I always feel that this matter is a bit of a waste of money...?
There is no way, let the owner of their family be jealous, and spend some money to balance their minds.

That night, the little ghost fire took back a stack of thick jewelry design drawings from the underworld, and after handing it over to the master, he was so tired that he raised his hand to wipe off his little sweat, turned around and sank back to the floor to rest.

Zong Che took the blueprints to show his wife, coaxing her to pick out the ones she likes. As long as she said she likes them, they will be made into jewelry.

The "Star of Hope" 44.52-carat blue diamond that Jiang Luofan sent, and the famous designer in Yangjie are all trivial matters.

You know, he is the King of the Five Halls of Hades who owns two-tenths of the territory of the underworld. After the death of those once brilliant designers, they are all waiting to be reincarnated in his territory, and some of them have already served as officials in his Jianbao Pavilion.

All in all, Jiang Luofan's stuff, he doesn't want to see his wife and children using it...

As for the coffin, he wanted to change it but didn't want to, because it was An Xiangwan who gave him the token of love, but thinking that it was related to Jiang Luofan, he felt somewhat uncomfortable.

However, he didn't know that it was Jiang Luofan's token of love for An Xiangwan. If one day he knew the complete truth...

An Xiangwan is still hiding it from him. Since the male ghost has slept with her in bed for half a year, he has completely forgotten about the existence of the coffin in the cave.

settle down
In the corner of the courtyard, the street lamps were dimly lit, barely illuminating the nearby road section, and the top of the lamp cover was covered with a thin layer of snow.

On the second floor of the building in the courtyard, a faint white light flashed from time to time in the window of the dark room.

An Yuya has been hiding inside for a long time. After being sucked [-]% of her energy, her body is as weak as a [-]-year-old lady, and she dare not look in the mirror. Those brand-name cosmetics and clothes before are not Dare to look, because I feel that my beautiful face can no longer be restored, and I want to die but feel unwilling.

She became like this because she complained about that bitch An Xiangwan. If the beast she gave birth hadn't sucked her energy, how could she have ended up like this!
An Yuya

In resentment, Mao'er quietly floated into her room.

(End of this chapter)

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