Chapter 404 Thank you officer~ [One more update]

Zong Che didn't answer, and put the necklace in his hand on Ren'er's neck. She was so frightened that she quickly reached out to grab the pendant, and turned her head to scream at him.

"Are you sure you want me to wear something so heavy around my neck?"

The 81-gram diamond pendant is definitely for people, not for decoration?

The male ghost wanted to wear all the diamonds he had collected for her, but he didn't think too much about it. When he heard her question, he realized that it was too big.

"Then I will ask Jianbao Pavilion to cut it up and make it into small pieces."

When you're done, put the diamond back in the box.

An Xiangwan watched his slender fingers pass by out of the corner of his eye, and immediately remembered what happened when he was watching the industry news today.

"By the way, next week there will be a summoning order in Wudang. They are auditioning for a powerful exorcist. There is only one spot for the main force. I want to participate, can I?"

She has just come out of the hospital after giving birth, and the wound on her stomach has not fully healed, but this opportunity is rare.

In addition to the main force, there are two assistants and five assistants, but she is going to be the main force. Once she is selected, she can completely overthrow the current Anjia in the industry in the future, and then help An Weiyi to rebuild. Organize a brand new settlement.


Zong Che thought for a while, exorcising demons is not a rough job, not to mention that with her current strength, it is easy to be selected as the main force.

Today's activities are for him to choose at will, as long as he wants to go, he can do it at any time, just like playing house, there is no difficulty, no challenge at all.

An Xiangwan naturally knew, but people's words were scary, and some external force was needed to make things right.

The exorcism mission of the summoning order officially started on the first day of the first lunar month, and now it is just a matter of finding the right candidate.

"Thank you officer~"

An Xiangwan got up happily when she heard the sound, put her arms around his neck, and offered a sweet kiss.

The surprise came a little too soon, the male ghost was slightly taken aback, and then came back to his senses and stretched out his hand to hug her tightly...

What a little goblin.

But thinking that the wound on her stomach hadn't healed yet, she had no choice but to endure it, and it would take another month.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to let go of her, otherwise, if he continued to kiss her, he would not be able to keep himself from ignoring her pity and hugging her.

An Xiangwan kissed so much that she couldn't finish it, but when she opened her eyes and met his longing eyes, she knew she couldn't continue.

"Be patient."


The male ghost responded sullenly, which made her dumbfounded.

At noon the next day, the weather was rarely cleared, revealing a faint sunlight.

As soon as An Xiangwan had lunch, he was busy preparing to participate in the Wudang magic weapon. At the beginning, he received a call from Gong Ze.

"Doctor Gong, what's wrong?"

There was a bit of ridicule in his tone.

"I just visited your stepbrother..."

Hearing Gong Ze's voice, he seemed to have something important to tell her. He thought something happened to An Weiyi, and asked nervously, "What happened to him?"

"No, it's just that his wound was serious at first, and it took at least half a month to heal. As a result... when I went to look at it just now, I found that his wound had all scabbed with blood, the small wound disappeared, and the big wound was suppurated. But it's gone now... Someone should have given him some special medicine last night, I just found some, and I'm going to test it to see if there is any harm."

After hearing this, An Xiangwan felt relieved, and was afraid that the An family would do something mean to him in secret.

"Well, I'll wait for your news."

(End of this chapter)

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