Chapter 412 Don't flatter An Jia right now, unless he's stupid. [Second update]

After Wudang passed, she didn't want to clean up the mess for her daughter anymore. Her heart was very tired. After more than [-] years of hard work, the rewards she got in the end were all disappointment. It was time to let go.

An Xiangwan sometimes sympathizes with Su Peici, and she pours her heart out for An Yuya, but in the end she gets nothing, so she is really blind, and a poor person has something to hate.

No one came around, and she and her son were happy and quiet. Those people who were flattering her just now are now flattering An Weiyi, smiling like dogs.

It seemed vaguely that he was asking what the magic medicine for An Weiyi's quick recovery was...

Magic medicine?

Hehe, half and half.

After waiting for a long time, the abbot came late, and when he entered the door, his shoulders were still covered with snow, and he apologized to the guests present with a dusty face.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. I had some urgent matters to do just now, so I was late. Please forgive me."

The abbot is a Taoist priest in his fifties, wearing a thick cotton robe and a black fur hat. He walked in with steady steps and spoke with great air.

Seeing An Weiyi at the other end, his eyes lit up, and he immediately went over to say hello to him: "Master An, I was far behind just now, I don't think it's strange."

"The abbot speaks too seriously."

An Weiyi responded calmly, the people around him were a little annoyed.

"Everyone, take your seats first, dinner will begin."

Sensing An Weiyi's expression, the abbot stepped forward, pushed aside people for him, and made room for him to sit.

An Weiyi nodded back to him, this abbot is very good at life, he can read words and deeds.

A few people felt that the abbot was in the way, especially the one who was chasing after An Weiyi for medicine just now. When everyone turned back to their seats, he looked at the abbot with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

When the abbot passed by An Xiangwan's table, he just nodded and smiled at her, not as enthusiastic as he was for An Weiyi.

Because in his opinion, Mrs. Tangtang Zong came to participate in the solicitation order. Although she brought Mr. Xiao Zong, Mr. Zong did not come with her. So, can it be regarded that she has little status in the Zong family?

Therefore, it is still better for Anjia. The so-called skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Although Anjixing has become a thing of the past, An Weiyi has been hailed as a genius prodigy in the world of exorcism since he was a child. When it came to Thunderbolt, it was recovered intact in just a few days, so it can be seen how powerful the An family is.

If he doesn't want to curry favor with An Jia right now, why should he go to please a woman and her son who may soon become a daughter-in-law, unless he is stupid.

At the beginning of dinner, everyone was vying to toast An Weiyi, and the abbot blocked the persuasion for him, as considerate as An Weiyi's service butler.

An Xiangwan's side was as deserted as ever.

Xiao Guagua was sitting on her lap, with her two little hands lying on the table, staring at the plate of red prawns in front of her with sparkling eyes, patting the table from time to time, and stretching out her fat little hand, pointing to the table. , The meaning in the mouth is unclear: "Oh ah" twice, as if implying: Mommy, Mommy, the baby wants the second shrimp~~The baby wants the spicy and the biggest shrimp~!

Seeing this, An Xiangwan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to her son, "Little idiot, don't worry, Mommy will peel the shrimp for you right away, wait~"

She had just peeled one and was about to feed her son, a gust of yin energy quickly gathered around her, instantly attracting the attention of everyone present.

An Weiyi's eyes were half-closed, and from the corner of her eye, she noticed that Yuan'er's figure had disappeared in the blink of an eye, and she guessed that it must be the male ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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