Chapter 903 The expression is a bit creepy [Fourth Update]

After the failure of Yunshang's marriage, the third prince gained the respect of his father and queen mother, and this time Yun Suqing's heavy responsibility also fell on him.

Yun Suqing is his aunt according to her seniority, but it's a pity that she is a queen, and her status is an enemy to the Protoss.

But the enemy also has something to take advantage of.

He walked to Yun Suqing's bedside, tapped her forehead with his index finger, and transmitted what he wanted to say into her consciousness.

The God Clan's plan went smoothly, and after the message was conveyed, the third prince disappeared without a trace with his entourage.

In the previous restaurant.

Zong Che and Jiang Luofan were in the middle of an eye-to-eye exchange, one was feeding Gua Gua, the other was feeding Xiao Jiu, anyway, the babies couldn't understand what Jiang Zhuzhu and Daddy were staring at, the baby was hungry, just Eating food and drinking grandma, the world of adults is too complicated.

The black unicorn and the little spirit dog squatted silently and ate their own food. Just after eating for a while, the black unicorn suddenly raised its head, its two pointed ears trembled slightly, and looked in one direction, and that direction was just around the corner. It is the location of Yun Suqing's room.

In that direction, it clearly felt a strange aura, which was very similar to the aura in Rizhao City before, but this one was stronger, and one of them was weaker, that is to say, there were two...

I don't know the purpose of the other party's appearance at this time when there are few people.

It has always wanted to figure out what it was, and after sensing the breath, it immediately ran towards the direction where it came out.

Seeing it running away suddenly, Zong Che didn't know what was going on, remembering that it was connected with An Xiangwan, thinking that something happened to her, he quickly got up with his son in his arms, and motioned for Jiang Luofan to follow.

But when he and Jiang Luofan went to An Xiangwan's room and saw her lying on the bed safe and sound, sleeping soundly, his heart was finally relieved.

Only now did Jiang Luofan notice that the black unicorn hadn't followed. He turned his head and looked in the corridor behind him, but he didn't find it. I don't know what happened to it running so fast just now?

Hei Qilin went to Yun Suqing's room. Her room was on the same floor, but not in the same corridor.

One step before it entered the room, its breath disappeared. When it entered the room, it saw the guard lying on the sofa and fell asleep. Test her breath...

But everything looks so normal.

I don't know if the aura just now was a friend or an enemy. When Jiang Luofan was almost killed, this aura appeared, and he recovered the next day.

Is this aura also here to save Yun Suqing now?

It looked around the room, and after making sure that the aura was gone, it left uneasy.

Tell her about this matter after the master wakes up, after all, it is of great importance.

After the black unicorn came out of the room, he went back to the restaurant and continued to eat the delicacies it hadn't finished.

Zong Che and the others came back a little later than it did, and when they saw it, they felt an indescribable emotion in their hearts, as if they were too nervous just now and had an oolong.

"Did this little thing eat up and go to the bathroom just now?"

Jiang Luofan looked at its dark back and muttered something, and Xiao Hei twitched his pointed ears lightly after hearing it, indicating that he had heard someone say bad things about it.

Zong Che didn't think so. After An Xiangwan woke up, let's see what the black unicorn would say to her.

In Yun Suqing's room, not long after Hei Qilin left, she suddenly opened her eyes and stared straight at the ceiling with a creepy expression.

 Babies, yesterday was my grandfather's 81st birthday, so there is only four shifts, and there is something to do today, tentatively scheduled to be the fourth shift, if I have time in the evening, I will make it up.

  I'm sorry wow~ I love you cute, I've been waiting for a long time, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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