Chapter 906 Makes Her Feel A little At a loss

"Our little wine is really good."

Hearing the sound, Guagua signaled that Xiao Hei walked to the bed, and he was going to show his grandma a favor, kiss her, and cheer her up quickly.

Yun Suqing didn't like the little baby girl's smile at all, and even felt sick.

Her eyes looked a little cold and disgusted. An Xiangwan thought it was her own illusion. Maybe her mother had such eyes because she was not in a good state of mind.

At this time, Xiao Guagua had climbed onto the bed and came to grandma's side, showing off her cuteness to grandma with a cute face, and called out in a childish voice, "Grandma~ My name is Guagua."

After speaking, he stretched out his fleshy little hand, embraced grandma's face, and kissed her side face resoundingly.

This scene looked so loving, but when the soft touch was burned on Yun Suqing's face, it made her disgusted and disgusted as if maggots had crawled on her face.

When An Xiangwan was caught off guard, he raised Guagua with a wave and pushed him off the bed.

Gua Baobao was pushed into a dazed face, his small body rolled in a circle, and fell directly to the ground. Fortunately, the little spirit dog used to make a small meat pad, so it didn't hurt it.


An Xiangwan's heart almost stopped beating when he saw his son being pushed out of bed. He was relieved when he saw the little spirit dog catch him.

Why did the queen mother suddenly push it away?

I remember that when she was young, she and her father liked to ask her to kiss their faces, why is she now?

Maybe it was Guagua's actions that surprised her. After all, she has been locked in a cell for thousands of years, and with such a big blow, she must not be used to the outside world for a while.

Guagua fell to the ground and didn't cry, but giggled happily. The baby thought it was very funny, thinking that grandma was just playing with it.

Immediately got up, followed Xiao Hei's body and climbed back to the bed, grinning happily at grandma with her pearly mouth.

"Grandma, I like it~"

Yun Suqing saw the child climb up again, just now she waved it away in disgust, and came over to smile at her, did it intentionally disgust her?
She had just finished thinking when Zong Che knocked on the door three times, then walked through the door and entered the room.

As soon as he came in, he noticed that Yun Suqing's condition had improved, and his thoughts were similar to An Xiangwan's, thinking that those mysterious guys had come to help Yun Suqing's condition improve.

Seeing Guagua laughing at the back of the person, this scene looks so warm.

However, the reality is very different from what they feel.

When Yun Suqing saw the male ghost coming in, her pupils dilated in shock. Is this the male ghost who confused Zhaoyang?

Is he the new ghost king now?
What about the original ghost king?
There were too many questions at once, which made her a little overwhelmed.

But no matter what happened in her unknown time, the human race and the ghost race are absolutely irreconcilable.


There is only endless hatred in her heart now, and she hates her daughter even more. The hatred makes her regard her daughter as dead in her heart.

This one in front of him is nothing more than a dog and pig.

But she didn't say a word, but quietly looked at the family of four with vicious eyes.

They are all her enemies.

Yun Suqing's spiritual world already collapsed, but after being informed of those suggestive news by the third prince, her psychology has been completely distorted.

Not long after Zong Che came in, Gong Ze also came in. This time a doctor was replaced as a guard. If Yun Suqing had any special situation at night, he could deal with it in time.

(End of this chapter)

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