Chapter 914 At that time, she will disappear with Gong Ze

Chapter 915 At that time, she will disappear with Gong Ze

After Gong Ze took the medicine, the color of his lips improved a little, but his face was still bruised. As for the injuries on his body, the doctors in the city came to clean and bandage him.

She didn't go back to the room to tell Zong Che until the doctor came.

At this time, Hei Qilin had just returned from washing his body, and when he approached the room, he told An Xiangwan about the white shadow that he hadn't mentioned before.

An Xiangwan took a deep breath after hearing this, "We won't know the result until Ze wakes up."

Sitting back on the bed and looking at the two little guys who fell asleep on the bed at some point, I hope they won't be hurt again.

Zong Che asked the ghost envoys to investigate Gongze's affairs, perhaps it was the work of the gods again.

If it was really done by the Protoss, then they will not be polite.

Their long-term tolerance will only make the Protoss think that they dare not resist because they are afraid of them, which will make the Protoss even more arrogant.

When Lin Yan came back from the Ghost Emperor City, Gongze's condition was in critical condition. The doctors in the city were at a loss. No.

`````````On weekdays, the knowledge that Gong Ze taught is the relatively common ailments and surgical solutions.

There is no such special case of poisoning as he is now.

He himself fell here unconscious, and there was no way to save himself.

When Lin Yan came back, he was almost dead.

Looking at his face that was completely changed by poisoning, he couldn't get back to his previous appearance at all.

Something happened to Gong Ze, and the atmosphere in the entire imperial city was extraordinarily dignified. The doctor that the human race was proud of, now unexpectedly passed away, and the common people who had received favors from him could only pray for him without thinking about eating and drinking. I want to do something for him, but I don't know how to help him.

An Xiangwan didn't dare to let Guagua and Xiao Jiujiu see Gongze's current appearance, otherwise they would cry very sadly.

Gongze loves the two brothers and sisters so much on weekdays, what if something happens to Gongze?
Lin Yan knew some medical skills, and the medicine he prepared could hang him for two or three days at most, and the medicine would have no effect.

Lin Yan herself was also very anxious. Although she and Gongze were not very happy with each other and avoided each other on weekdays, they would still care about each other's life and death when it came to a crisis.

In the end, Lin Yan asked Zong Che to help her find something, which could help her hang herself for a longer period of time, and also wake him up, as long as he woke up, he would have a chance to save himself.

She didn't let An Xiangwan know about this, because she was afraid that she would be more worried. After all, the matter was too risky, and she would disappear with Gong Ze.

When Zong Che heard her decision, he originally refused to agree, but he was finally persuaded by Lin Yan—because this might be a chance to save Gong Ze's life.

But after the matter is resolved, I hope Zong Che will not tell Gong Ze, she doesn't want him to know, because he will definitely reject that kind of thing.

As long as it can save him, her sacrifice is also worthwhile.

It took Zong Che a whole day to find what Lin Yan wanted, and after she got it, she stayed in Gongze's room for a whole night, and by the time it dawned, she had already left.

And Gong Ze also woke up that afternoon. The first time he woke up, he saw Zong Che, An Xiangwan, Jiang Luofan, Cao Ge, but Lin Yan was missing, and his brows immediately frowned.

When he was asleep, he had a dream...

(End of this chapter)

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