Chapter 919 Melancholic little prince. [nine more]

Back then, the cronies around the king were still easily bought by the gods. In the end, not only did he die, but he was also quartered by five horses after his death.

It can be seen how shameless the protoss are, the disaster is a race that everyone punishes, and their existence is a cancer of the world.

Zhao's fate had been expected by them, but it was not in vain to get so many old things from her.

Next, they have to get Lin Yan back, and look at Gongze's listlessness in the next few days after the incident, it must be because of Lin Yan.

At night, An Xiangwan took advantage of the two babies falling asleep in her crib, and went back to bed to question the male ghost in her family.

But he stretched out his hand and hugged her tightly. What she originally wanted to ask suddenly made her a little worried.

"What happened to you tonight?"

Zong Che smiled wearily, "I want to hug you..."

He buried his head close to her ear and whispered hoarsely, he should really be glad that she didn't become cruel because of the misunderstanding before, and continued to hate and divide with him.

She has been giving in, and has been waiting foolishly for him to turn around. How lucky he is to have such a dedication from her.

How should I repay her?
This little woman made his heart ache so much, just looking at her made him want to tie her up every day, so as not to let the hurt touch her.

Compared with the two children, he thinks she is more important.

However, in her heart, the two children are ranked first, and he is ranked second. She still can't compete for the first place. She is a little sad, and she always wants to be jealous of her son and daughter.

When An Xiangwan heard his words, her face was hot and hot, and she felt so hot that she was already sweating. It was clearly the depth of winter and it was snowing outside, but she seemed to be in the midsummer of July.

Perhaps he is like her sun, without him, she will fall into the deep winter season, and with him, she will become hot and have radiant happiness.

Saying good day, Xiangwan woke up from a sweet dream and found that Xiao Hei had lost all the black hair on the sofa, which frightened everyone.

The last time Gongze's poisoning fever infected the black unicorn, it fell into the place where Gongze's poisonous blood had been stained on its back, and shed a lot of black hair, revealing white tender flesh, and it hadn't grown new hair for a long time , but Xiao Hei was in a hurry.

It is a majestic spirit king of all beasts, and it will lose its hair. Does it have any face when it is spread?
What's even more sad is that since it lost its hair, Xiao Guagua's milk doll doesn't ride it anymore, it seems quite disgusting.

It’s not that Baby Gua dislikes Xiao Hei’s hair loss. He just thinks it’s strange to ride without fur on Xiao Hei’s back. The baby can’t get used to it. He said that although Mommy made him a soft saddle pad, he just rode for a while, Xiao Hei. The range of black hair loss becomes larger.

Baby Gua was so frightened that he didn't dare to ride on it anymore. It was afraid that Xiao Hei would lose all his hair, so he didn't ride because he felt sorry for him.

Without the little black ride, Gua Baobao also said very sadly that after a few days he could ride the little black to go out to show off, and the baby has already started to do it, melancholy little prince.

Xiaojiujiu has a little spirit dog to play with, so he doesn't know what depression is. Brother Gua is so pitiful, Xiao Hei has lost all his hair and hair.

But Xiaojiujiu likes to touch Xiaohei's bare spot, it feels good~smooth and tender!
Even Xiao Huang laughed.

The little black baby suffered [-] points of critical damage in his heart, and the shadow area was huge, and he was negative for a long time.

An Xiangwan didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw it. Gong Ze, seeing that Xiao Hei had saved his life, prepared medicine for it, and after half a month of applying it, new shiny black fur began to grow back on it.

(End of this chapter)

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