Chapter 933 I'm Glad It's Not

Chapter 934 I'm Glad It's Not

When Yun Suqing heard someone asking her, it was always those two words, she grinned and said with a foolish smile: "Dead."

An Xiangwan still gave her the same answer, her heart was so depressed, why did the people closest to her always hurt each other, and why those evil-hearted people never let them go?

Obviously their family only wanted to live in peace, and they didn't think about provoking or hurting others. Why didn't I offend others, but they offended me?

The priest quickly asked the guards to salvage the sea area, and also searched around the island, not daring to miss any corner, and when he saw a large rock, he turned it over and looked at it several times to make sure that there was no little girl in pink clothes, so he took it away. Put the stone back.

Zong Che's eyes were as cold as ice, and he floated beside Yun Suqing, watching the guards on the other side of the sea to salvage without saying a word, praying in his heart that he must not be really thrown into the sea, otherwise he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself He will bloodbath the Protoss.

"Ah—found it! Found the little baby girl!"

A loud sound pierced the tense atmosphere.

An Xiangwan subconsciously looked towards the sea when she heard the sound, and at the same time prayed in her heart that she must not fish it from the sea, or she would go crazy.

Zong Che also didn't want it to come from the other side of the sea.

After they confirmed that the voice wasn't coming from the other side of the sea, they breathed a sigh of relief, thankfully it wasn't.

Zong Che turned around slightly, and saw the priest walking towards them with Xiaojiujiu in his arms.

An Xiangwan looked up and saw that it was her little wine, so she quickly raised her hand to wipe away her tears, got up and went forward, hugged her precious girl from the priest's arms, and carefully checked her small body without any scars. , heaved a sigh of relief.

"My sweetheart, it's a good thing you're fine, I'm so worried about Mommy." After speaking, he kissed each of the little guy's pink apple cheeks.

Jiu Baobao didn't know what happened at all, but the baby was very happy to be kissed by Mommy, but the baby also wanted Daddy to kiss him, so he looked at Daddy expectantly with bright eyes.

For the sake of Jiu Baobao working so hard to be cute, Daddy will come over and kiss his family, okay?

Zong Che noticed his daughter's little eyes looking forward to him, and the originally tense expression on his face was melted and softened all of a sudden.

"Jijiu really wants to be kissed by Daddy~"

An Xiangwan understood his daughter's thoughts, and immediately handed her into his arms.

Zong Che took his daughter, but he was embarrassed to kiss her little cheek in front of so many foreign gods.

Ever since the priest returned the little baby girl to King Che and the princess of the human race, he has been observing the changes in the expressions of the two couples. He did not expect that King Che would have such a gentle side.

It is simply unprecedented.

Just after thinking about it, the person on the other end got up and walked towards the sea at some point after seeing someone. The water was almost below her knees, and the guards next to her were packing up their things, so they didn't pay attention to her. Fortunately, he looked more.

"Ah—the empress, bring her back quickly!"

An Xiangwan and Zong Che didn't notice Yun Suqing's situation until they heard the sound. This frightened An Xiangwan. How could a good mother go into the sea?

Turn around and walk quickly to the queen mother, and bring her back to the shore with the guards.

Yun Suqing's current situation is good and sometimes bad. When it is good, she will sleep and eat well. When it is bad, it is like now.

However, Yun Suqing behaved like this because she was manipulated.

(End of this chapter)

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