Chapter 938 Strange Things Have Happened Frequently Recently [Second Update]

So far, Black Kirin can only communicate with An Xiangwan.

However, when it was still a "Chihuahua", it could open its mouth to speak, but it forgot who it was and thought it was a dog, so it used dog language.

In the eyes of the black unicorn, the spirit dog is really similar to the same kind, except for the difference of scales on the surface of its body and golden and black eyes, it looks almost the same.

"I didn't expect it to talk. It's amazing. Except for Xiao Hei, we have never heard it talk." Cao Ge looked at the spirit dog in surprise, feeling that there are more and more rare creatures here. .

An Xiangwan's identity is inherently special, how many rare treasures did she collect thousands of years ago.

The beans on the spirit tree, Jiang Luofan mentioned, are her secret weapons for fighting, and only a few of them here know this secret.

"Master, we should go and see the sea area on the Protoss side."

This was the first thought of the spirit dog after waking up. There was a voice in the depths of his consciousness that had been urging it to persuade An Xiangwan to go over quickly. He always felt that there was something waiting for them to uncover in that sea area. answer.

"The sea area of ​​the Protoss seems to be haunted by monsters recently. If it was in the past, it might be wrong."

Jiang Luofan has been paying attention to the changes in the Shenzu sea area these days, and the Shenzu will send him messages every day.

"There is no plan to go there for the time being. Do you know the things in the sea area?"

An Xiangwan felt more and more strongly that the spirit dog had something to do with the demons in the Protoss sea area.

I don't know what kind of relationship it will be, but I hope it will not be a terrible result.

The spirit dog shook his head after thinking about it for a while: "It's just that there is a voice that keeps urging me to take you there. Maybe it's something urgent, and that's why I woke up."

"I don't know if it's a trap. It shouldn't be a big deal to go and have a look."

Zong Che's point of view is that thinking is a question, and you have to practice to get the answer. The spirit dog will have this feeling, maybe there is something waiting for them in the sea area of ​​​​the Protoss.

"Master, it must be passed, and others don't need it for the time being."

The voice in the superficial consciousness of the spirit dog, it does not know why it has to name the owner to go there.

The Protoss had always regarded her and King Che as thorns in their eyes, and she just went there. Although no one in the Protoss had the strength to confront her, in that sea area, maybe the Protoss had found some way to deal with their master.

And if that's the case, how did they get into its consciousness, manipulate its sixth sense?
Maybe it is thinking too much.

"I have to go?"

An Xiangwan was once again surprised when he heard the words. Recently, strange things happened frequently, and he didn't know if another catastrophe would come.

Her two little babies are so young, how can they bear these big winds and waves.

Obviously, she just wanted Guagua and Jiujiu to live a simple and peaceful life. After the matter in the realm was over, she handed over the human race to Cao Ge. They had to find their way back to the Yin-Yang world and go back to live a peaceful life.

However, things are not as simple as they imagined. The catastrophe of the Protoss is coming, and Chi Yu may be affected. If they leave the territory before the catastrophe comes, the three major races here will be wiped out, and the consequences will be disastrous.

Hearing the sound, the spirit dog nodded lightly: "Yes, maybe it's some kind of mystery..."

It guesses, whether there is a mystery or not is hard to say, but after going there, you will definitely get the answer.

(End of this chapter)

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