Chapter 940 A stream of fishy, ​​salty and cold sea water pours into the nose

It's not as soft and comfortable as Xiao Hei at all, so she just hugged her and then let go. I didn't expect Sister Jiu to like such a rough toy. Thinking of looking back at Xiao Hei who was resting on the sofa, she immediately turned around and spread her feet Yaxiao ran to its side, kicked off the little slippers and climbed up, and hugged the warm and soft little beast. This is the baby's favorite touch, and the little chin is pillowed down, so comfortable that the baby squinted his eyes to enjoy it.

Seeing the [-]-point critical blow in his heart, Xiao Huang felt that after he changed, he was rejected by Gua Baobao.

Obviously it's handsome now, don't you think?

What's so good about Xiao Hei, she's so sissy... He wants to feel sour in his heart at these words.

The next day, the sky was cloudy and it looked like it was going to rain.

An Xiangwan got up and looked at the sky. The recent weather forecast seemed to say that it would rain, and it looked like it would rain for three or two days.

When the rain stops, she will set off to the Protoss sea area to have a look. It should be regardless of geographical location, right?

About this, she went to Xiao Huang to ask about it later, and it said that she could go to the sea area in the direction where the gods raised unicorns.

After hearing what it said, it was too coincidental. The last time the queen mother took Xiao Jiujiu there, after that, she walked into the sea inexplicably, she seemed to be controlled, and it seemed that something was luring her to go there.

Carefully recalling the photo sent by the Protoss, the location of the above photo seems to be the Qilin Pavilion on Tianlong Island.

This incident made An Xiangwan terrified after thinking about it, and always felt that something was about to happen.

It has been raining for a full week, and news came from the Protoss that the high tide flooded many remote islands, and Tianlong Island was almost submerged.

It happened too coincidentally, and she was planning to go over there to see what was going on in that sea area, but it was submerged by sea water, and she always felt that something was preventing her from going there.

Tianlong Island was flooded, but you have to go to see it. Yaochi Island is low and has been submerged long ago. This is the largest tsunami in the history of the Protoss. No wonder it has been raining for a week.

Many gods and people have left the Protoss islands and came to the outside world with their burdens on their backs. The remaining royal family, who want to save face, are still there. arrive.

It can be said that the Protoss has completely fallen and collapsed. Not only has it been in darkness for a long time, but no emperor has appeared yet. Now the territory of the Protoss has been swallowed by the sea, and the former glory is gone forever.

This reminded An Xiangwan of the An family, which was completely disintegrated in just one or two years.

Now the Protoss is in the same end. She has only returned to the Qin Realm for two years, and the Protoss is gone.

It seems that none of the enemies who are against her or hurt her have a good end. Is it God's help, or is it man-made?
On the day An Xiangwan left, Zong Che wanted to borrow Xiao Hei from his son for two days, but he refused.

Gua Baobao just thinks that Daddy can also float on the water with Mommy, why should he borrow his Xiao Hei, the baby also needs Xiao Hei very much.

An Xiangwan felt that there was no need to use Xiao Hei, as long as he found the gods of the Protoss and asked them to help open the shortcut door to Penglai Island.

It's just to look at the situation in the sea area, and there is nothing to do.

Lighting tools and raincoats were prepared before departure. I heard from the gods that the situation of the gods is very bad now, just like the severe flood disaster area in the Yang world.

After finding the gods and people to help open the shortcut door to Penglai Island, Zong Che hugged An Xiangwan's waist and entered.

It was only after entering this shortcut door that a gust of salty and cold sea water poured into his nostrils in the next second!

(End of this chapter)

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