Chapter 948 Can't seem to sense his breath? [Second update]

Zong Che leaned close to her face and pecked lightly. In his heart, she was still the person he loved the most, and his daughter and son were both ranked second, but he knew that in her heart, children He is number one, and he is number two. It hurts to think about it.

I have to eat my own children's jealousy a lot of the time, isn't that plausible?
An Xiangwan didn't know what he was thinking in his heart at this moment, but he always felt that this male ghost was getting sweeter and sweeter. Thinking of the days when he treated her with hatred after he returned to Di, the scar in the middle of his chest pierced by his sword It's still there, although it's very faint, but you can still see clearly how much he hated her at that time, so he was so cruel that he could do it.

After he took the Wangqing Pill, he had temporarily forgotten many of the good times he had spent together in the Yang Realm, and he didn't know when he would be able to recall it.

Even though he seems to treat her very well now, but the strong affection he once had in Yang Realm still needs to be found back. She is so greedy, and she wants to occupy all his favors. It is not allowed to miss out. of.

If one day, it happens again that he forgets her or doesn't love her anymore, she will make herself an eternal memory.

Of course, she didn't want such a sad thing to become a reality, let alone that day.

"What are you thinking about?"

Zong Che noticed that her brows were slightly drawn, and there was still a thin layer of mist in her eyes. He couldn't help but raised his hand to gently wipe the edge of her eye sockets, not wanting her to shed tears.

"No, I just think it's good to have you back by my side."

After finishing speaking, she stretched out her hand to hug his waist from the side, leaned her head lightly on his shoulder, and looked at her daughter's happy little face. Perhaps this feeling right now is a kind of happiness.

After the crisis passed, overlapping rainbows appeared on the sea, which was so beautiful.

After watching the brief meeting, when returning to the cabin, I accidentally saw an old man fishing calmly in the distance. When did he come out to fish? Was he there just now?

Can't seem to sense his breath?

He probably came out after the calm was restored just now, but they didn't notice it, but what can be fished in this sea area?
The last piece of land in the land has been completely submerged by the sea. The three major races and individual households who survived are just a drop in the ocean. The number of people who died in this catastrophe is too large to be estimated.

Gong Ze didn't have to fly around anymore, but he still couldn't find Lin Yan. Did she die or was rescued?
I pray that she is still well, that we can meet again one day, and hope that the arrival of that day will not be too late, or it will disappoint his expectations.

Because he regretted...

It was his wishful thinking that he should have treated her well in the first place, and she might have regarded him as a wayward and ignorant child.

After all, she married her father and was his stepmother in name.

He never knew her, more precisely, he never wanted to know her.


He stood on the deck, looked up at the blue and white sky, and sighed heavily.

"Do you want to smoke?"

Jiang Luofan walked up to him at some point and passed him a cigarette.

"Thank you."

Gong Ze took the cigarette, put it in his mouth, lit it with the fire he handed him, took a deep breath, and then exhaled the white smoke in one gulp, as if he wanted to let out all the depression in his heart, but that was just It is self-deceiving thinking.

"Why are you being polite? If I knew this now, why were you so stubborn and desperate for face?"

(End of this chapter)

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