Chapter 951 So what, get out. [one more]

The little spirit dog had just run a few steps, when a cloud of white mist suddenly appeared from its body, covering it, the next second it seemed to break through the wrapping, blinked and became bigger, and returned to its previous appearance.

The dark green monster in the bucket of retail investors saw the changed appearance of the spirit dog, and his eyes showed excitement.

"Found it, finally found it..."

"Damn trash, get out of here!"

The spirit dog cursed at retail investors and strange things sullenly. It didn't expect them to have mixed into the warship. It wanted to continue playing stupid. It would never return to that place, and they should understand.

"If you don't go back, you will be forced to go back one day. Don't think it's good to hide here. The catastrophe here is just to open the door of Vientiane. The place of execution is not suitable for your identity."

"It has nothing to do with you, get out!"

The spirit dog doesn't want to listen to their nonsense, it will never go back to that place in its life.

"How can it be irrelevant? We are on the same boat. Don't be stubborn. If you drag it on, it will only make these innocent people suffer because of you."

The strange thing, Hei Liangdou, looked at the spirit dog with big eyes without any fear, and it came over with a firm will to persuade it to go back with them.

But the spirit dog is so determined that it is impossible to go with them, it has already given up, and has another owner, and has no intention of going back.

"Even if you say so, you may not be our opponent. If you don't believe me, just let us go."

"Don't be naive, even if the Yaozu doesn't fight, do you think other races will let them go? Especially that woman... If you go back with us, maybe there is still a glimmer of hope to save her life. It is among the top four clans.”

The strange thing nests in the bucket and confronts the spirit dog, no matter whether it listens or not, sooner or later, the sea will flood all the land in the territory, there will be no more food, and they will eat up all the edible aquatic creatures in the sea At that time, these lingering low-level people, ghosts and gods will only have a dead end.

"So what, go away."

The spirit dog stopped talking nonsense with it, and directly knocked the water tank into the sea with its head. The retail uncle who was fishing next to him immediately turned into a cloud of smoke. It turned out that this uncle was just a phantom these days.

Behind the spirit dog, An Xiangwan and the others couldn't hear the conversation between them, but the black unicorn could hear them clearly.

An Xiangwan stood where she was, waiting for the spirit dog to come back and explain to her. It must have told something secret to the strange thing in the bucket just now.

I always feel that this little thing has something to hide from everyone.

At this moment, Zong Che floated out of the cabin. He had sensed an unusual aura on the deck just now, and was worried that his wife and children would be in danger, so he rushed out immediately.

Just now in the cabin, he was discussing with Jiang Luofan and the others what they should do next. If they could no longer live in the Yin-Yang Realm, they could only quickly find the exit of the Yin-Yang Realm, so that they would have a chance to survive.

When he came out, he saw that the spirit dog had returned to its original appearance, but the abnormal aura just now was not from it. His eyes subconsciously glanced at the dark green strange creature in the bucket floating in the sea. He didn't know what it was. The breath is diffused from its side.


This answer immediately flashed through his mind, as if he knew about this race from a long time ago, but after blurting it out, he couldn't remember where this monster race came from.

(End of this chapter)

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