Chapter 958 Like a Child [Fourth Update]

Zong Che threw a hinting gesture at Qinglong. Immediately after it understood the meaning, it slowly sank back into the sea, looked away, and stretched out his arms to wrap around her slender waist as if nothing had happened, and led her and her daughter to the restaurant on the second floor .

"Go back to the cabin and have breakfast. I'll talk about it after Gongze and the others come back later."

"Did it attack our warship last night?"

An Xiangwan mentioned Xiaojiujiu. Recently, her daughter seemed to have heavy hands. Just as she was muttering about Jiujiu's weight in her heart, she continued to think about what Zong Che was going to tell her, which made her extremely curious.

Zong Che still didn't mention what Qinglong told him last night.

After breakfast, Gong Ze and Jiang Luofan came back, and Zong Che told them what he had told Qinglong last night, as well as his decision.

Now going to the top of Vientiane is their only way out.

"I think we should really go there, otherwise returning to the Yin and Yang realms will only bring unnecessary trouble there."

An Xiangwan was naturally very happy to know the way back, but she understood that since they were already death row prisoners at the top of Vientiane, no matter where they went in the future, the trial at the top of Vientiane would not let them go of.

Then they might as well go directly to the top of Vientiane to see what tricks they are going to play.

"Go, there's nowhere to go anyway."

Jiang Luofan followed An Xiangwan, he would go wherever she went, even if she would never respond, he was still so stupid.

Maybe if there is a chance in the future, he also wants to meet another woman that he can fall in love with, because it is too difficult and painful to be in love with her alone.

"What about Lin Yan?"

What Gong Ze is most concerned about now is Lin Yan's life and death. If they all go to the top of Vientiane, what will Lin Yan do then?
They haven't been able to find her so far.

There has been no news of her, and he is very anxious.

Zong Che knows that Lin Yan's whereabouts need to continue to search, but the chances of Lin Yan's survival are very low now. Maybe he can ask Qinglong to let other water monsters look for it here. If they find it, they will bring her here. , and go to the top of Vientiane together, if there are no other ships in the whole territory, it means that she no longer exists.

"I will arrange for Yaozu to help find her back in a short time, but the hope may not be great. You'd better be mentally prepared... You are not unclear about the current situation."

After hearing what he said, Gong Ze already had an idea in his mind, and nodded silently. Now he can only wait for the news, if he can't find it, then...

He didn't know what to do, so he resigned himself to fate.

"Don't be too pessimistic. Sister Lin is not an ordinary ghost. You don't know her kung fu. Maybe she is still waiting for us to rescue her in a corner of the world. Or maybe she accidentally went to the place of Vientiane. It’s like she came to the realm before us before, right.”

An Xiangwan tried to think in an optimistic direction, comforting everyone while comforting himself.

"What Xiao Wan said is also very possible, Yan'er must be auspicious."

Zong Che stretched out his hand and gently patted Gong Ze's shoulder to express comfort. He didn't cherish Lin Yan when he was there, but now that she is missing, he seems to have lost his soul.

If I knew it now, why should it be in the first place.

"If you get Miss Lin back this time, you remember to cherish her. Don't quarrel with her anymore, just like a child."

(End of this chapter)

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