Chapter 961 Is She Really Existing? [one more]

An Xiangwan saw Uncle Han running into the house, and guessed that he must have run in to tell his adoptive father that she was back.

When getting off the car, Xiao Guagua screamed excitedly. It remembered this place. This is the home of grandma and grandpa. They love the baby so much.

There is a grandma here, so is the grandma on the boat also a grandma?

Gua Baobao and Jiumeimei have two grandmothers?

But the grandma on the boat is so weird, she is always locked in the room, sitting on the bed in a daze all day long, and she has to be fed by mommy and the aunt on the boat, she is so big, the baby will know He said that he had eaten by himself.

Sister Jiu is much better than that grandma.

Jiu Baobao didn't know that there were grandpa and grandma here. She felt that grandma was a strange creature. Baobao didn't like grandma. Just now, she seemed to hear Brother Gua cheering and calling grandpa?Grandpa is a ghost again, is he a weird guy like grandma?
She blinked her big round eyes, and tugged hard at the spirit dog that had transformed back into a Chihuahua, as if asking if grandpa was a magical horse?
"Aww~" The little spirit dog didn't realize the problem of Jiu Baobao at all, thinking that she was just teasing him, and when Zong Che wasn't paying attention, he secretly stuck out his tongue and licked her white and tender apple face.

This little face is exactly the same as Gua Baobao when he was young.

"Sexy dog, don't lick."

In the end, An Xiangwan was caught. No wonder her two cute faces turned into that. It turned out that she was licked by it. Didn't it mean that children's faces can't be pinched?

The effect of this lick is also the same.

Zong Che immediately looked at it coldly when he heard the sound, this dog is really unchanging, you must know that it is a boy, and his baby Xiao Jiujiu is a big girl.

Speaking of which, Jiujiu and Tian Yiran's children should be about half a year apart.

Gong Ze has been here before, and there are also memories of him and Lin Yan here, and now wherever she goes, there are traces of her past.

Is she really gone?
He didn't believe it, otherwise why the yearning for her in his mind became more and more intense day by day, and his soul was lingering in his dreams.

Zong Che picked up Guagua, lifted it to his chest, hugged him tightly, and entered the room with An Xiangwan, with the black unicorn walking ahead pretending to be a puppy.

Jiu Baobao is sitting in Mummy's arms, with two fleshy little lotus root arms around her neck, and her big bright eyes like glass beads are looking around curiously. It's the first time I come here, but I like it at first glance. There is a warm feeling, as if spending the winter here will not be cold.

As soon as he walked through the big iron gate, Zhuang Yuansheng's family of five and Uncle Han hurried out of the house.

As soon as I walked out of the house, I heard their cute little Guagua shouting for joy. I thought that I would never see them again after not being in touch for so long.

Except for Dun He and Uncle Han who didn't know, everyone else guessed where Zong Che took their Xiao Wan.

As soon as Dun He came out, she saw Guagua's little grandson whom she was thinking about day and night from a distance, and almost choked up when calling the little guy.

"Oh, my little baby, you're back. I miss grandma so much. Ache Xiaowan, it's good that you come back from abroad. Don't go away for so long and don't contact us."

When Dun He came in front of An Xiangwan and the others, his eyes were already wet with tears, so did the others.

"Xiaowan, Ah Che, welcome back safely, Xiao Guagua has grown up so much, long time no see Dr. Gong..."

(End of this chapter)

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