Chapter 965 It's time to go to the top of Vientiane. 【Fifth watch】

"Guagua, when you come back, you should have grown up, but don't forget our agreement, you can only marry me for the rest of your life, if you marry another woman, I will kill her, I said today If you pass, you have to remember."

"Xiao Yuqiang, don't say such scary things to children, it will frighten Guagua."

Gong Ze was quite worried, looking at Yu Qiang's eyes just now, and the things she quietly put in Gua Gua's pocket, he was faintly worried.

"Uncle Gong, I am very serious. Although Yuchen is still young, I will wait. Besides, we yin and yang devils have a very long life span, unlike ordinary mortals, so we are not restricted by age. The yin-yang devils here are only the three of us."


Gong Ze retorted speechlessly, but in the future, no one can say for sure, and it is difficult to guarantee that Yu Qiang will not fall in love with another him while waiting for Gua Gua to come back.

There is not even a question of love or not love between the two children, it is too early.

Of course, Yu'an didn't miss that Yuqian sent Xiaoyu to Guagua just now. Xiaoyu was a mysterious soul boy that Lin Ruyi saved in her previous life. In order to repay her kindness, she turned into a white cat and stayed by her side. Later, she was separated due to the war and came to him. We didn't meet again until this life.

Without Xiaoyu, she would probably be even more lonely. She is used to playing with Xiaoyu on weekdays. Xiaoyu is a weapon he passed on to her, and it is a very precious thing in their family.

Since Guagua accepted it, it should be regarded as an engagement token.

As for this, An Xiangwan and Zong Che didn't know anything about it, and Gong Ze didn't intend to reveal Xiao Yuxie's secret, after all, it was her good intentions.

If Zong Che and Xiao Wan knew about it, they would definitely return the five-pointed star broken by the black talisman to Xiao Yuchang.

Xiaoyu is staying in the five-pointed star peacefully at this time, and he understands what Yuxie means, and he will take good care of the child when he gets there.

What's more, the black unicorn and the spirit dog have complicated backgrounds, and they also want to get acquainted, maybe it will help them improve their cultivation.

Guagua followed Daddy and Mommy away, the little sister gave it something quietly just now, it knew it was a little white cat, the one he wanted to play with for a long time, this young lady is really kind, when the baby gets tired of playing with sister Jiu Yes, I will return the kitten to her.

It's a pity that Shengsheng is not here, otherwise he and Jiujiu could play cats and cats together.

If Xiaoyu knew about this idea, he would have to scare it away. The little guy has always had a cold temper.

Leaving Yingui Street, besides teaching Lin Ruyi the Soul Killing Curse, An Xiangwan also had An Weiyi.His aptitude is good, and after practicing here on Yinyang Street, he seems to have improved a lot now.

They are not suitable to go to the top of Vientiane.

Coming back this time, the main purpose is to give an explanation to all relatives and friends, so that they can rest assured to do what they are about to do.

Things from the yin and yang realms cannot be brought to the Yin realm, so they come and leave empty.

When they returned to Dijing, Jiang Luofan had come back one step earlier than them.

After counting the number of people, the remaining time is just for the rest of the guards to go to the Yin and Yang realms, and they will be done with their work in such a state.

Time to head to the top of Vientiane.

Qinglong was already ready and only owed Zong Che an order. Ever since it was conquered by his strength that night, it had secretly regarded itself as his subordinate and obeyed his orders.

The location of Vientiane Peak should be near Protoss Flying Dragon Island.

(End of this chapter)

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