Chapter 984 Just now...that fairy clan? 【Replenish · Three more】

Gong Ze's blow immediately frightened the rioters in the battle. Those who were fighting with An Xiangwan and the others stopped their hands one after another, dodged aside, and whispered with a little panic in their tone.

"Just now... that fairy clan?"

"Impossible, the fairy clan disappeared for nearly a thousand years ago, how could it appear in such a place..."

"The number of immortals is as small as rare animals... There is no reason..."

"Then what happened to him just now?"

"He's clearly a human..."

Naturally, they will not miss these discussions, fairy clan?
In addition to the Protoss, there are Immortals in the top of Vientiane. Aren’t the Immortals merged together?

What Gong Ze used just now should be Taoism or Western spells, right?
I remember that he used to hold a book as thick as a Bible in his hand, didn't he?
Only Gong Ze knew the answer. The moment he took the pill, he seemed to be a different person. Apart from his stronger strength, he seemed to have become more ruthless.

According to his previous attitude, a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded has never acted so viciously, but now...

And the spell he used just now, not to mention that An Xiangwan hadn't seen it before, even Zong Che hadn't known him for so long.

Looking at it from a distance, Lin Yan always felt that the scene just now was very familiar, but she couldn't remember where she saw it or where it was. This feeling was like when she saw him appearing in the suburbs just now, she wanted to call out that name It feels the same.

Is there any connection between the two?

Hei Qilin felt that Gong Ze's aura had changed since he appeared just now. Is it really a fairy clan?

The little spirit dog was very surprised. After realizing something, he continued to pretend that he didn't know anything.

The more secrets it knows, the less it dares to recover its real body. It had planned just now, but now it just wants to continue pretending to be dead. Even if it will be beaten by the master and the two little masters, it will never reveal any information .


An Xiangwan tried to call him. Out of the corner of his eye, he was paying attention to the movement of the rioters, vigilant that they would sneak up on them while they were distracted.

"wait for me."

Gong Ze nodded back to her, and then his figure floated away to a far away place, and then he saw him bring Lin Yan out of hiding.

Lin Yan was dressed in a bright red phoenix robe, and she was very festively dressed. She could guess at a glance that she was in the sedan chair of the wedding party.

Was it Gong Ze who snatched her from the sedan chair?

"Sister Lin!?"

An Xiangwan was pleasantly surprised to see Lin Yan, because her appearance had changed a lot. Her complexion looked much healthier. Could it be because of the makeup she put on?

But look carefully, she is walking on the ground, not floating like before...

Maybe it's because she returned to the summit of Vientiane, returned to Shura's body, and was reborn? !
Lin Yan was taken aback by Gong Ze's sudden appearance in front of her eyes. When he took her hand again, she felt her heart beating again and again, feeling like it was going to pop out of her chest in a second. The long-lost consciousness left her at a loss.

When An Xiangwan walked in front of them, she was relieved from the feeling of self-shock.

"Xiao Wan, Ah Che...Mr. Jiang..."

When she saw Zong Che, she saw that Xiao Jiujiu in his arms had grown up a lot, and it was said that she had been away from them for a long time.

"It's not suitable to stay here for too long, let's continue the reunion after leaving here."

(End of this chapter)

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