Chapter 988 [Replenish · Yesterday's third update]

The demon clan who was robbed of relatives last night, the demon officer brought his subordinates here this morning to meet the demon clan's important person.

That demon officer was in charge of the wedding team last night, he lost the future Seventh Concubine, how could he have the face to go back to see the Seventh Prince, and sent his subordinates back to the Demon Race to report the situation, they rushed over early in the morning, and applied for a pass last night , It was only approved in the morning. I don't know if the monster is deliberately delaying the time.

As soon as the pass was confirmed, they rushed over immediately. The sooner it is resolved, the better, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Uncle Qinglong soon got wind of the news of the demons coming. When he went to inform An Xiangwan and the others, the demons had entered the demon clan's territory and were on their way to meet the demon king.

The demon king and Qinglong are not on the same front. Qinglong is now going to overthrow the current government, so he will go to the land to find the spirit dog, but seeing how cowardly it is, now it is no longer counted on, and it can only be seen on foot. , if it can revive, perhaps there is still hope for his wish.

However, every time he looked at the spirit dog, he felt more disappointed, it was hopeless.

The spirit dog has recovered quite a bit now, but it made small movements so that An Xiangwan could not share its memory, but its cultivation base is shared with An Xiangwan, it is just for self-protection, it is now The recovery of less than [-]% of his strength, although a little selfish, is better than being hunted down.

Qinglong didn't know its difficulties.

What happened last night, the demons would come over today, as expected by An Xiangwan and the others.

If the demons want to search, the chances of finding this side are not high, because this is a place with heavy stellar energy, and some demon soldiers with weak cultivation bases dare not approach at all.

That's what Qinglong said, but what the demons want to get back is the future Seventh Concubine, and every corner of the floating islands of the demons will be searched relentlessly by them.

In fact, what happened this time was just in line with Qinglong's wishes. Originally, he wanted to provoke the relationship between the two races of monsters and make it worse, so that they could take advantage of it.

Because of the relationship between the demon clan, Guabaobao can only stay in the house today, and cannot go out to roam. The baby's heart is broken. He wanted to sneak out several times while his parents were not paying attention, but Xiao Hei refused to take it out. , wanted to go out by himself, but was held back by Xiao Hei and could not go out.

The baby is bored in the house and has nothing to play.

Holding Mommy's hand to act coquettishly, looking up at her with big tearful eyes, she yelled in a milky voice: "Mommy... Mommy... Guagua wants to go out to play..."

An Xiangwan really has a big head, this little guy has such a wild temper, who exactly does he look like?

"No, you can only go out after the bad guy leaves, Guagua has to be good, you know?"

"But it's not fun in the house..." Baby Gua can't be idle for a quarter of an hour, and baby who can't go out feels that his life lacks a lot of fun.

Seeing that Mommy didn't allow it, the other side saw Ze Zhuzhu coming out of the room, and suddenly saw the light of hope.

"Zezhuzhu, Zezhuzhu~"

Hearing the sound, Gong Ze looked at their little baby, bent over and reached out to hug it vigorously, and asked coaxingly, "What's wrong with Guagua?"

An Xiangwan couldn't laugh or cry: "Guagua wants to go out to play, but I don't allow it."

When Gua Baobao heard Mommy's words, he immediately raised his beaded mouth high, with a face like a baby about to cry.

"Zezhuzhu, let's go out and pick fruit, shall we?"

Baby remembers that Zezhuzhu likes those beautiful little fruits very much.

(End of this chapter)

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