Chapter 1612

Chapter 1711

The banquet on the second day was very lively. People from the whole town took turns to eat and congratulate. The banquet lasted from ten o'clock in the morning to three or four o'clock in the afternoon.

As newcomers, Lu Jianxiong and Lu Xue naturally accompanied them from beginning to end, constantly toasting and giving speeches of thanks. At the end of the day, Lu Xue was exhausted, and her face was almost stiff with a smile.

"Are you saying that I'm spending money to find guilt?" Lu Xue took Ruan Qiuyue home to rest and go to the bathroom, and said to her.

"Marriage needs a sense of ceremony, even if it is spent to buy sins, it must be done. Moreover, human relations are necessary, and the money you go out with you on weekdays, you need to have a wedding to get it back." Ruan Qiuyue said with a smile.

"In the past, they all disliked me as a widow, and no one asked me to take the money with me. This is the gift I received today, and I will return it slowly later." Lu Xue said with a slight frown.

"As long as you live here, there are plenty of opportunities. If someone has a baby, gets married, has a funeral, or even gets hurt, then you have to go and visit." Ruan Qiuyue said.

"You are more experienced than me in dealing with people. From now on, I will use you as a benchmark, and I will follow what you do." Lu Xue said.

Ruan Qiuyue nodded with a smile, and asked her, "How is Da Fei getting along with your elder brother? I saw them standing together just now, and they are quite harmonious."

"Yesterday, Da Fei was drunk by his elder brother. He made a fuss in the middle of the night. It was his elder brother who accompanied him. I saw that Da Fei was very awkward when he got up in the morning. He deliberately didn't talk to his elder brother or look at him." Lu Xue smiled. ,
"After all, there is a blood relationship. The elder brother also cares about Da Fei. The relationship between the two will not be stalemate for too long."

Ruan Qiuyue also nodded with a smile, "Your elder brother is absolutely on top of his heart for your mother and son. I have nothing to say. I'm really happy for you."

Lu Xue also showed a happy smile, very satisfied with the status quo.
After Lu Xue and the others finished the wedding, Lu Jianxiong stayed here for another day, then hurried back to the northeast, while Lu Xue took Da Fei back to Beijing to meet his parents.

The two returned after staying in Beijing for three days, Da Fei returned to the team, and Lu Xue came to Ruan Qiuyue's house to pass the time and talk about daily life together. Who would let the man and son not be at home.

"Aunt Yun, you have had such a hard pregnancy, it really hurts to look at it." Lu Xue looked at Lin Yunying, "I wanted to talk about it two days ago, why are you getting thinner and thinner during pregnancy, and your face has changed Sharp."

"I was a little sick before, and I vomited whatever I ate. It took two days to get better." Lin Yunying put her hands on her stomach lightly and smiled softly, "It's okay, there are still a few months to come, and if you raise it a little bit, you will definitely get fatter of."

"That's right, Mom, your mentality is very good now. Being fat or thin is not a big problem, as long as there is no problem with the fetal development." Ruan Qiuyue said with a smile, "Come on, let me take your pulse and look in your stomach. Whether it's a boy or a girl."

"Can you see it?" Lin Yunying looked forward to it, and Lu Xue next to her was also excited, watching Ruan Qiuyue with breathless concentration, waiting for her to give a definite news.

Ruan Qiuyue told them to be quiet, she held Lin Yunying's wrist, lowered her eyes, realized that she was going into space, and gave Lin Yunying a fetal examination.

After waiting for a second or two, after the test results came out, Ruan Qiuyue couldn't help laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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