Chapter 1803 With the highest respect

Chapter 1911

In this way, she stayed in Taicheng for more than [-] years, and did not return to the mainland until three years ago.

Perhaps after hearing this, someone would ask, was her purpose really so simple and great when she ran there?

She has been there for more than 20 years, is there really no problem with her political identity?

For these questions, let me say a little bit!
Everyone knows that the bulletproof vests we manufacture are not only light, convenient, and can even be worn inside, but also have a very powerful bulletproof function, which is ahead of the bulletproof vests of all other countries in the world.

And this technology was acquired by Comrade Lin Yunying desperately from Taicheng, and was handed over to Lu Zhanxiao in time to ensure that it would not be acquired by the enemy.

This incident is enough to show that there is absolutely no problem with her political status. Everyone must have already figured out how much her contribution is worth.

Just such a heroine, you say, can there be any problem with the identity of her trusted lover? "

After Xiao Gangxu finished speaking, the jury and many people in the audience couldn't help but nodded, and the balance in their hearts tilted towards Lu Zhanxiao again.

"We cannot deny Comrade Lin Yunying's great contribution, and we also pay her the highest respect." Liu Tonggen said,

"However, she is her, and Lu Zhanxiao is Lu Zhanxiao, one size fits all! Although Fang Hongchao and others have testified, what they said is not only not supported by written documents.

Regarding the doubts about Lu Zhanxiao's identity, we still need to continue to investigate. Judges and juries, we suggest that he be put in jail pending trial. "

"Wait! I, an old man, have to refute this point!" Xiao Gangxu raised his hand, and he also stood up, and came out of the seat with his hands behind his back to stand in front,
"Now there is indeed a lack of the most favorable archival evidence to prove Zhan Xiao's identity, but I don't think those documents are needed at all!
Because documents can be falsified, but Lu Zhanxiao has been doing things for the party, the country, and the team for 30 years, no, for more than 40 years, so it cannot be faked! "

Xiao Gangxu raised his hand, his face was resolute, and he said forcefully,

"In 1944, Lu Zhanxiao, who was only 14 years old, was still called Yunzhou at that time. He joined the || army and followed the devils. Even though he was young, he killed two devils and made meritorious service.

In 1947, at the age of 17, he was sent to the enemy as an undercover agent. In the following year, he participated in the red operation, successfully delivered the message, and rescued our two comrades who were about to be exposed.

In 1949, he ended his undercover operations and returned to our army. He started as a squad leader and became a battalion commander by virtue of his large and small achievements.

In 1953, because of the suppression activities, he was reactivated, and he was asked to return to the enemy as an undercover agent. The mission was successful, but he almost died.

In 1955, he re-entered the team as Lu Zhanxiao and made one achievement after another.


In 1979, he captured three members of the enemy party and destroyed the enemy's plan.



In the past 40 years, no matter as Lu Yunzhou or Lu Zhanxiao, his contribution to the team and the country, the blood shed, and the counter-revolutionaries he personally captured are all proofs——

He is a brave warrior||soldier who charges forward, a hero of our party and the people!
He should not stand on the seat of trial, and his loyalty should not be questioned!

I, Xiao Gangxu, am here to pay my highest respect to Comrade Lu Zhanxiao! "

(End of this chapter)

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