Chapter 1805 Dad, can you hurry back
Chapter 1913

Lu Zhanxiao followed the guards to make a phone call, and his heart tightened even more in just two minutes.

The premonition is also getting stronger.

As soon as the call was connected, Lu Zhanxiao heard Lin Hongrui's voice and immediately asked,
"Hong Rui, where's your mother?"

"Dad, what's going on with you? Is the trial over? What's the result?" Lin Hongrui asked back, obeying Lin Yunying's instructions, and didn't say anything about the childbirth right away.

"It's OK to verify your identity. We're waiting for the outcome of the trial. It's nothing serious." Lu Zhanxiao frowned, "Did your mother go to the hospital?"

Before Lin Hongrui had time to be happy that his father was fine, he heard him ask about his mother, and heard that he had already guessed it, so he couldn't hide it anymore, and said,

"...Well. My mother went to the hospital just now and said she was going to try a natural delivery. Qiuyue and my aunt are by her side. Dad, don't worry!"

"How many hours before the birth?" Lu Zhanxiao asked while clenching his hands.

"At least five or six hours, natural labor is slow." After Lin Hongrui finished speaking, he asked tentatively,
"Dad, can you hurry back?"

"Yes!" After Lu Zhanxiao said this decisively, he hung up the phone, and then said to the guard next to him, "I'm going to see the judge and the jury."

"You wait for a while, and I'll go ask for instructions." The guard said immediately.

After a while, Lei Changqing came out first, and hurried to Lu Zhanxiao, "What's the matter? Is there something urgent?"

"I'm going to southern Xinjiang immediately, my daughter is about to be born." Lu Zhanxiao said,
"You can detain me, or you can make me suffer a heavier punishment afterwards, or let me step down from my position. No matter what, I must hurry back today!"

"..." Lei Changqing, "At this juncture, you want to go back to southern Xinjiang? Can't we let our little girl be born later?"

Lu Zhanxiao looked at him expressionlessly.

Lei Changqing looked at him for two seconds, and was defeated, "Okay, you wait for me, I will go and intercede for you extrajudicially. Birth, old age, sickness and death, although it is normal in life, is also a major event in life.

The little girl is about to be born, there is nothing more important than this, it is time to go! "

"Thank you." Lu Zhanxiao thanked him.

"After this, don't think about retiring every day to take care of yourselves, let me continue to shine in my position!"

Lei Changqing glared at him angrily, then hurried back to intercede with the judge and the jury.

"I'll make another call." Lu Zhanxiao said to the guard.

"You are welcome." The guard did not go to apply.

Lu Zhanxiao called the old man in the compound this time, "Dad, my identity has been verified, and I'm fine."

"Hahaha...cough cough, I knew you would be fine!" The old man laughed immediately, and his heart finally fell down, "When will you be back?"

"Yunying is about to give birth. I have pleaded with the judge and others, and applied to go to southern Xinjiang immediately." Hearing his cough, Lu Zhanxiao frowned worriedly,
"You ask Qingqing to buy a plane ticket, ask her to accompany you to southern Xinjiang in the afternoon, and ask Qiuyue to check your body and see your little granddaughter, too."

Lu Zhanxiao didn't want his old father's body to be delayed at all.

"That's a good proposal! Cough cough...I'll let Qingqing buy the plane ticket, cough cough...then that's it, Nanjiang cough cough...see you."

The old man bent over, blushed with a cough and had a thick neck, unable to straighten his back.

Lu Zhanxiao on the phone, hearing the old man's cough, frowned worriedly, and his heart sank.

(End of this chapter)

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