Chapter 285 The In-Law Family vs. The Mother-in-law's Family 2
Ruan Qiuyue met his help-seeking and trusting eyes, resisted the urge to hold her forehead helplessly, smiled slightly, took Father Lin's arm, turned him around, faced her parents, and introduced with a smile,
"Dad, Mom, this is my father-in-law, that is my mother-in-law, that girl is my sister-in-law named Lingling, and the one who only cares about eating is my uncle named Wen Qiang..."

Both Ruan Dahai and Li Dongmei pulled the corners of their mouths hard, showing an embarrassed smile, and said, "Hello, this is the first time we have met, and it will make people laugh when I say it."

Father Lin quickly followed suit, rubbed his hands together in embarrassment, thought for a while, and said, "Qiuyue's daughter-in-law is wonderful, capable and smart. Your daughter is so kind."

Li Dongmei smiled again, but this time, she smiled more happily.

"Hmph!" But at this time, Wang Lanxiang snorted twice with an ugly face, turned his head to the side, but rarely swears.

"This mother-in-law has problems with my daughter?" Ruan Dahai's face darkened, and he asked immediately.

"No, I have no objection." Father Lin hurriedly said, it was rare for him to stand up straight and dare to reprimand Wang Lanxiang in front of outsiders, "You old woman, don't make trouble for nothing, if you dare to make trouble, just go home! "

"You think my mother loves to come here! If I hadn't heard that the bastard... the kid is going to die, why did my mother come here!" Wang Lanxiang blushed and scolded him back.

"Mother, mother, don't talk first." Lin Lingling quickly tugged at her clothes, and said to herself that you didn't think that way these two days, and you wanted to come here soon.

"Why are you talking so badly! Hong Rui is your son, so forget it if you don't love him, why are you still cursing him to death, do you still have a conscience!" Li Dongmei felt sorry for her son-in-law, and was so angry that she took a step forward and pointed at him. Seeing Wang Lanxiang scolded.

Wang Lanxiang's face turned red and then pale after being scolded by her, because Li Dongmei's words touched her heart a bit, her mouth moved, and she didn't say the ugly curse again.

"Okay. Everyone stop making trouble. Let me tell you something. Captain Li from the county just came over and said that in order to repay Hong Rui, he wanted to take him to the county to recuperate. He will come to pick him up tomorrow morning." People, I will follow when the time comes."

Ruan Qiuyue stood up quickly, stretched out her hands and pressed down, letting them all extinguish the fire.

"To the county seat? Then when will you come back?" Li Dongmei asked immediately.

"Then Captain Li is quite a nice person, and he knows how to repay his kindness. Go to the county to take care of him, and Hong Rui's health will recover quickly." Ruan Dahai said with emotion.

"Qiuyue, why don't I go with you? I'll take care of Hongrui for you." Lin Wenqiang said immediately.

"Second brother, why are you joining in the fun? The county hospital has doctors and nurses, so how can you be needed?" Lin Lingling curled her lips, "You just want to be lazy and not work."

Ruan Qiuyue listened to what everyone said, and couldn't help feeling that Gao Changde, that beast, really knew how to play tricks.

At this time, who would think too much about taking Hongrui to the county town for treatment, and would only be grateful for the other party's benevolence, who would have thought that what was waiting for them behind was a bloody mouth.

If Li Daqing hadn't turned his back on the battle and became their little partner, this time, they might really have been tricked.

Ruan Qiuyue comforted everyone, seeing that it was getting late, she asked them to stay here for dinner, and let's not talk about the various bickering and quarrels among them.

Anyway, no one is pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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