Chapter 772
Chapter 818

"Oh, what a failure to be a human being!" When Ruan Qiuyue was writing the post, she calculated her friendship situation, shook her head and sighed,
"This woman who is a mother just can't talk with unmarried girls, and they don't have a common language."

Although she came to Kyoto for half a year, she also took a semester class, but because of her class, she spent three days fishing and two days drying the net.

Even when she arrived at school, she always ran to the school's laboratory, rarely stayed in the classroom, let alone participated in the activities organized by the class, so she didn't have any particularly close classmates.

It is not necessary for the two little guys to invite some mediocre people for the weekly banquet.

However, Ruan Qiuyue felt that she had attended classes for a semester at least, but she didn't make any friends she could talk to, so she was still a little sentimental.

"Then find the same mother. Are you and Sister Lan planning to organize some kind of mother's gang? Bring the kids regularly and have a tea party. Daughter-in-law, you are very good in the mother circle, not at all. fail!"

After hearing her emotion, Lin Hongrui, who came home on the weekend, did not express sympathy at all, pointing out that her friends are all mother-level, so don't even think about hanging out with unmarried girls.

"...I found that you are more and more able to comfort people now!" Ruan Qiuyue smiled and fell on his back,
"Hey, didn't you say you want to make a wooden gun for your sons to grab? Where's your gun? When will it be ready?"

"Recently, I've been busy with training, so I don't have much free time. Before their birthday party next week, I promise to complete the task." Lin Hongrui smiled and pulled her from behind to the front, kissed her small mouth,

"Daughter-in-law, do you want to make another family outfit this time, for our family to wear at the birthday party?"

"I think about it, but I'm afraid that Dad and Grandpa will be jealous." Ruan Qiuyue said with a smile, "I think about it, let's forget it, let's not make them angry."

When Lin Hongrui was told by her, he couldn't help laughing when he thought of the last time he made a family outfit, General Lu clearly expressed his jealousy and said that he wanted it too, "Dad and grandpa are like old children."

"But cute." Ruan Qiuyue said.

Lin Hongrui nodded with a smile, it is cute.
After Ruan Qiuyue wrote the invitation post, she found a time to send it to Chen Lan. Since Chen Lan was seven months pregnant, she came to Kyoto to raise her baby. After giving birth and finishing confinement here, she never went back with County Magistrate Fang .

"Time flies so fast, a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and I can still remember the appearance of the two little guys when they were just born." Chen Lan said with a smile.

"No, this little Doudou baby in your family has been around for more than a month." Ruan Qiuyue teased the child by grabbing her little hand.

"It's thanks to you that I have Doudou." Chen Lan thanked with a smile, and she will always remember Qiuyue's kindness.

"You paid a lot of medical expenses, and I did what a doctor should do." Ruan Qiuyue smiled, and suddenly remembered something, "Is your sister-in-law married?"

Hearing her question, Chen Lan felt embarrassed, "If you don't ask about this, I would have no face to bring it up with you. Fang Ya has never given up, and she has never agreed to arrange a blind date for her.

After I knew you came to Kyoto, I kept asking me where you lived, and once I went to school to look for Hong Rui, but I couldn't get in..."

Ruan Qiuyue frowned, she thought her rival in love was gone, and the co-author had never given up.

While the two were talking, there was a commotion outside, "Miss is here!"

Chen Lan frowned when she heard this, and Ruan Qiuyue knew Fang Ya was coming when she saw her expression.

Coincidentally, we will meet her rival in love for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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