Chapter 1008

In addition, the golden lotus of merit was snatched away by Taoists in the west, and the red lotus of karma was swallowed up by the ancestor of Minghe.

Only the black lotus with the highest combat power was missing, and everyone thought it was missing. It wasn't until Luo Hu came into the world not long ago, saying that it was used to raise the saint for Xi, and everyone knew that it was originally taken by Luo Hu .

Tai Yi said angrily: "-be yours? What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, just because I'm Luohu! I fell out with Hongjun, and it's also because destruction is my instinct. The more things I destroy, the stronger the power I get!"

Luo Hu looked at Xi contemptuously: "Little Jinwu, I have a word for you: 'Seeking skin with a tiger is like drinking poison to quench your thirst!' In your next life, remember to read more books on the art of war! Look, I recall Heilian, it’s as simple as a gesture— —”

He stretched out his hand, an arrogant move.




Nothing happened.

Dijun/Taiyi/Housu who are extremely vigilant:? ? ?
Luo Hu's expression was a little uneasy, and he repeated: "'s so simple that you only need to move two hands——"

He shook his wrist vigorously, but there was still no movement around him, and he shook it again, two or three times, like a mortal in a fit of epilepsy.

"...It's so simple that you only need to move a few hands—"

Xi said: "What you want, is this?"

He waved his hand, and in his palm, a black twelve-petaled lotus slowly appeared.

The lotus platform seems to be still alive, as the petals exhale and inhale, there is a faint law of the Dao circulating within it.

Xi said: "I forgot to tell you one thing. Ever since you bewitched me, I was not that big fool like Chen Yao. At that time, the person who talked to you was Yinyou—the one who is best at strategizing."

Luo Hu's expression darkened.

"The art of war book, I don't need to read more, after all, my wife has studied it a long time ago. She said before that there are seven strategies to deal with Tiandao, so I will make up a strategy for you."

The young man smiled slightly.

"The eighth strategy is called, 'Leading the Goat by Hand'. I'm sorry, I like your black lotus very much. When you used it to help me become holy, I refined it by the way—"

As soon as Xi clenched his fist, Hei Lian disappeared, and even before disappearing, Ji Dudao and Shenshen Spear were involved together.

Luo Hu was stunned.

He has always been the only one who schemed against others. Besides Hongjun, who is old and not ashamed, who else has schemed against him?
He originally thought that he could take advantage of the fact that the little Golden Crow and Tiandao were both hurt, but he didn't expect to make the little Golden Crow trick him and trick him into taking away his black lotus, sword and gun!
This little boy with yellow hair—Jinwu is really yellow hair—is so, so sinister!
So cunning!

So shameless! ! !
Luo Hu was angry and unwilling, and turned around as if to run away, but the Six Sages also arrived quickly, blocking his way.

The Six Sages, Di Jun, Tai Yi, Hou Tu, and Xi separated from each other in ten directions, and all attacked together, Luo Hu was so angry that he just wanted to jump and curse!

Facing the ten strongest people in the prehistoric world today, and because of his imprisoned for ten thousand years, he had no cultivation base, and he was powerless to fight back. After a few moves, he was caught by Xi, and he was stuffed back into Zi Xiao, who was in the 33rd heaven. palace--

"When I let you out, I was careful. Only a small part of the restriction was broken. As long as the gap is filled, it can be restored to its original state. Thank you for helping us deal with the Heavenly Dao, but if the price is to destroy the prehistoric world, you still continue to be here." Stay inside."

"Bastard! Liar! Yellow-haired boy! Damn it--"

Even though Luo Hu was full of unwillingness, he was still sealed into Zixiao Palace after all.

Luo Hu can intimidate Tiandao, Tiandao can deceive Hongjun, and in the end, the only one who can suppress Luohu is Hongjun.

Mutual generation and restraint, self-determination, the circulation of the five elements, and the return of heaven and earth.

 【Part 17】

  Here's a tribute to Tony for snapping his fingers! !

  To be honest, my favorite in the Marvel universe is Winter Soldier, and even jokingly called him the poisonous Winter Soldier when chatting with friends, but Nini, he is the white moonlight in the Marvel universe, no matter who is the only fan , he is the most special one in the hearts of the audience.

  () love you 3000 million times
(End of this chapter)

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