Chapter 106 Brother, He Has No Meat and No Joy (27)

"Dongshou? Why, do you want me to go with you and help your brother prepare meals?"

When Xiao Qingwan received the news, she felt uneasy.

Now she is more and more respected in Xiao's mansion, which is good, but it is all because of the meals she serves!
If one day the truth is revealed, wouldn't he...

No, no!

She must find a way!
"Girl, Dongshou will have a lot of wealthy sons and daughters going with you, so you can relax," the person sent by Xiao Shisan babbled and racked his brains to say good things, "Your Majesty, this time it is because of Helian's son Only when you come to Beijing..."

"Helian Prince? Your Majesty?" Xiao Qingwan was startled, and suddenly stepped forward to ask, "Will Your Majesty go? Will Helian Prince go?"

"When, of course!"

Xiao Qingwan didn't know what came to mind, and asked, "Are you going to Baishu?"

"Go, my lord said, you both have to go. Girl, then I will go back and report to my lord now..."

"No, you wait first." Xiao Qingwan narrowed her eyes and suddenly smiled.

She laughed happily and excitedly, but in the eyes of the visitors, she felt chills behind her for no reason.

"Don't worry. Before I went to another house as a guest, I had already agreed to have a gathering with a few little sisters. Why don't you simply set it up at the winter hunting time? Please go back and talk to the thirteenth commander. I'm afraid I have to trouble him to prepare some Ingredients."

To prepare some ingredients, could it be that these young ladies want to hold a banquet?

When Xiao Shisan got the news, he felt extremely strange, but he couldn't find anything out of the ordinary, so he could only report his doubts to Xiao Lingchen.

At this time, Xiao Qingwan had already started asking people to post, saying that she had learned a new recipe and invited her friends to get together.

Xiao Qingwan, as the eldest daughter of the Xiao Mansion, was very successful in the circle of aristocratic women in the capital, and when she sent out the post, naturally no one would not come.

The daughter of the boudoir passed it on once, and then told her elder brother and parents, and Xiao Qingwan deliberately contributed to the flames. When the day of Dongshou's departure came, this small banquet spread to half of the circle of wealthy families.

Tong Su was the last to know.

At this time, she was sitting in a carriage, and the carriages of the Jingzhong aristocratic family joined the first team in the city, and staggered to the Dongshou paddock.

Xiao Qingwan sat beside her, holding a tea bowl with a smile on her face.

All the maids were driven into the carriage behind by her.

"I won't help you. When you have a party, just let the cooks and maids cook the meals. Why do you need me to appear?"

Tongsu frowned and looked at Xiao Qingwan coldly.

"Sister, we said before that I only cook food for you. Later you said that brother worked hard, so I also cook for him, but now, I even cook the food for other young ladies from aristocratic families. You treat me like a cook Mother can't do it?"

Xiao Qingwan approached intimately, as if sincerely thinking about her, and said:

"Sister, I'm doing this for your own good. In the future, you will always get married. If you stay in the mansion on weekdays, how can you get a chance to meet the world? You came with me, showing off your cooking skills, and amazed them. How wonderful! ? By the way, if you see which young master is good, you will make a kiss in the future, and you are willing."

How could Tongsu trust her!
Did Xiao Qingwan hold this banquet so thoughtfully for her?

How can it be!

Tong Su said bluntly: "Don't say that I don't want to marry yet, even if I want to marry, it is the order of my parents and the words of the matchmaker. With my elder brother making the decision, Bai Shu dare not make his own decision. What's more, if it is only because of my cooking skills , that person has a crush on me, so he will always talk about kissing in the future, will he marry a wife, or a cook who serves others?!"

(End of this chapter)

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