Chapter 141 System Mall
[Congratulations, miss, for completing the mission. I am 666. Welcome back to the mission space! 】

Tongsu has experienced novice tasks, and quickly adapted to chaos. When she opened her eyes, she found that she had returned to the data world.

666 quickly counted the task information, and after a while, it sent lines of words to the air.

[Congratulations to Miss Sister for completing the task ①: 'Revenge on those who bullied the original owner', with a good grade B rating and 1 bonus points. 】

[Complete task ②: 'Help Xiao Lingchen win the throne', evaluate A-level excellent, and reward 10 points. 】

[Complete the task ③: 'Try to restore history to normal', pass the evaluation of C-level, and reward 1 points. 】

[Meet special additional requirements: 'No disclosure of information and identity', grade A good, 10 bonus points. 】

[The task rewards a total of 21 points. During the task period, a [God Chef Card] is consumed, and now the inventory of the backpack is counted...]

[The backpack inventory statistics are completed, the cumulative remaining points are 26, and the remaining items are: 1 detoxification card; 1 weapon arrow!Now open the mall system, the lady can choose to buy props in the mall! 】

Rows of big green characters were displayed in the air, 666 turned on the camera, and took a photo happily: [Miss, it's your first official mission, and you actually got two A-level evaluations, that's amazing!I have to take a good screenshot, and I will open the forum function in the future, and I want to open a record post! 】

Tong Su: "What the hell are forums and recorded posts?"

[There is also communication between the systems.] 666 manipulated the body of the light group, and forced a shy expression, [As the saying goes, riches and honors do not return home like brocade night walks, the host has done a good job, and the system also wants to go Pack a batch! 】

"...Disrespect, disrespect, your circle is really messed up."

[Hey hey hey, work together, we work together.When the forum is opened, Miss Sister, you can also communicate with hosts bound to other systems, gain experience from each other, and learn from others. 】

Tong Su nodded, looked at the points again, frowned and said, "My task ③, why is the evaluation only C-level?"

666 glanced at her resentfully: [Miss sister, the big guy you're dating, do you still need me to tell you my identity? 】

Tong Su pressed her fists to her lips, coughed twice guiltily, and said, "Of course I don't need it. But, I want to ask you," she said seriously, "Why does Xiao Lingchen look so similar to Xi Chenzhou? "

And it's not just the appearance, in many details and habits, the two are exactly the same!
666's eyes fluttered: [I don't know, I'm just a newbie, I'm not qualified to see confidential things...]

Before Tongsu squinted her eyes to ask questions, she quickly opened the system mall, with an eager appearance of a tour guide, rubbing her little hands and making a flattering voice.

[The points are in hand, Miss Sister, you are also a big money, the card is updated today, and there is a big discount for jumping off the building. 】

Tong Su glanced at the mall, and indeed there were many more options, such as treatment cards, navigation cards, Teana cards, and so on.

She wanted to let the system start a new world immediately, but suddenly thought of the important role played by the magic chef card in the previous life, she hesitated for a moment, and asked 666: "What is the background of the next world? Is there life-threatening?"

[I haven't entered the world, so I can't judge the degree of danger yet, but I think you should be more careful, miss,] the system said worriedly, [Because, the next world is a comprehension world where immortals and demons compete! 】

 [Count up the chapter name votes! 】

  A: "Junior Sister, Let's Elope in the Demon Realm", a total of 26 votes;
  B: "Brother, you have fallen into the devil again", a total of 13 votes;
  C: "Help, my senior brother wants to abduct me and run away", with a total of 15 votes.

  [So in the next world, the name of our chapter is "Junior Sister, Let's Elope in the Demon Realm"! 】

(End of this chapter)

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