Chapter 2405 New Love Exposure (2)

Seeing that Shi Shi and Nie Zhen were having a lively conversation, Liu Ruolan completely forgot that she was by her side. She coughed lightly to remind them that she was still alive.

It was only then that Nie Zhen remembered that he and Liu Ruolan had cooperation matters to discuss. Although he was reluctant, he still said to Shi Shi: "I still have things to do now, so I will ask Miss Shi another day to have a good chat."

"It's okay, you guys talk first, I'll come to you after I'm done." After Liu Ruolan finished speaking, she walked away.

As soon as Liu Ruolan left, Nie Zhen and Shi Shi chatted enthusiastically.

That night, the two made an appointment to have dinner together.

Nie Zhen "cared" Shi Shi so much that she could live in the Blue Sky Hotel with peace of mind, and all food, drink and accommodation would be charged to his account.

Shi Shi likes masculine men, and Nie Zhen's move is naturally to please her.

Nie Zhen and Shi Shi got along very quickly. They met on the first day and fell in love the next day.

What Shi Shi meant was that he didn't want the media to know about their relationship, and wanted to keep a low profile.

Nie Zhen was very satisfied with Shi Shi's girlfriend, he would naturally agree to whatever she said.

So when Nie Zhen's girlfriend was suddenly photographed by the paparazzi, one stone caused a thousand waves. This was half a month after they dated, their relationship was officially exposed.

Although Shi Shi didn't want her relationship to be exposed too early, she also hoped to expose herself at the right time, but since she was photographed, she didn't resist.

She and Nie Zhen simply accepted the media interview hand in hand, and announced their love affair openly.

The scandal about her happened not long ago.

The public's perception of Shi Shi is still vicious and unscrupulous.She reappeared in the public eye so soon, even with a new relationship.

Coupled with the fact that Nie Zhen took great care of her, many netizens dissed Nie Zhen, claiming that he only saw Shi Shi's beauty, but could not see her black heart.Some netizens even asserted that sooner or later Nie Zhen would be sold by Shi Shi and was still counting the money for her.

As for Nie Zhen himself, although he is dissatisfied with the slander of netizens, he is still very satisfied with Shi Shi.

Not to mention that Shi Shi has a beautiful face that men like.In addition, she is usually gentle and freehand, relying on him for everything, respecting him, and considering everything for him.

With such a perfect girlfriend, what else could he be dissatisfied with?

He even suspected that Shi Shi's previous scandals were all because netizens deliberately blackmailed her, and it was not true.

He only believed what he saw.

Shi Shi is the most perfect woman he has ever dated, bar none.

He never thought of making it so early before. After dating Shi Shi, he suddenly felt that Shi Shi was so perfect. If he didn't marry and return home soon, it would be his loss.

It's just that there is always a checkpoint on the Nie's side.It is a bit difficult for the Nie family to admit that Shi Shi is his daughter-in-law.

"It doesn't matter. I only care about what I once had, not forever. Even if I can't marry you in the end, this good time with you is enough for me to support my next life." Shi Shi turned to comfort Nie Zhen.

Now she has figured it out, to win a man's heart, one must not only be beautiful, but also have certain means.To deal with any kind of man, you must use the appropriate method, so that you can be invincible.

This time, she was in no hurry.

Sooner or later, she will be able to enter the door of Nie's house, and as long as she holds Nie Zhen's heart firmly, nothing else will matter.

(End of this chapter)

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