Chapter 2417 Life is too short (2)

Shi Zuizui just smiled.

This girl just didn't realize that Yang Jian liked her.Yang Jian is a person who knows how to hide his feelings.Just because I like it, I don't want to cause trouble to Tingting.

Of course she didn't challenge that.

What will happen in the future, maybe only God knows.

As for what role Yang Jian will play in Wen Tingting's life, currently no one has the ability to predict, and there is no way to know the result in advance.

Because of Wen Tingting's presence, Shi Zuizui thought of a way to ask Wen Tingting to cover her so that she could date Lu Sui.

It's not that she wants to date too much, but that Lu Sui scolded this matter more than once, and seeing her is more difficult than meeting the president.The last time I met at Hong's house, the two of them only communicated by phone.

After Wen Tingting found out about this, he was of course willing to do this little favor.

Anyway, with her testimony, Ms. Yao would never have guessed that Shi Zuizui was dating Lu Sui.

The two went to the cinema, and she also found a farther place to watch the movie.

From time to time, she turned her head to look at the two people hiding in the most remote corner, and saw that they kept their heads and ears down, because they were very low-key, and if they didn't look carefully, they would never find out that it was Lu Sui and Shi Zuizui.

Looking from a distance, one can tell that the relationship between these two people is very good, and others are envious.

After watching the movie, Lu Sui walked out of the theater holding Shi Zuizui's hand, and asked her, "You are an adult, shouldn't you have the ability to judge for yourself?"

"What do you want to express?" Shi Zuizui slowed down and asked with raised eyebrows.

"I want you to move out of Wen's house and live with me." Lu Sui said his plan: "You have to agree, our previous plan will be terminated, and the two of us will be officially together."

In other words, cohabitation.

As for the broken plan, there is no value in continuing, it is better to stop here.

"You're here again." Shi Zuizui was speechless.

She didn't know that Lu Sui was so fickle before, but now she found that this man was not rational at all, and was always influenced by his personal emotions.

"I'm not joking. So far, our plan has not achieved anything, but my reputation has been ruined, and I was forced to break up with you. Since there is no need to continue the plan, why not stop here and make things right?" Lu Sui asked rhetorically. .

"How do you know this plan is useless? Someone may have fallen for it..."

"I don't want to continue with that damn plan. There are many ways, but the one we used is the most useless. Now I just know that I don't want to break up with you, and I don't want to fall in love with you secretly." Lu Sui insisted. .

Shi Zuizui finally found out that Lu Sui asked him out today for a purpose.

This guy doesn't want to sneak around with her anymore, but wants to be with her openly?
"Now that we are in such a situation, if I get back together with you, everyone will only think that I have no integrity, and I know that you are a scumbag and still stay with you..."

Under Lu Sui's stare, Shi Zuizui's voice faded away.

"Okay, it's my choice of words. You are not a scumbag, but the best boyfriend in the world, is that okay?" Forced by his coercion, Shi Zuizui took the initiative to plead Lu Sui's respect.

Lu Sui sighed softly: "I just dug a hole for myself. What you said makes sense, so I can't wrong you. Outsiders don't know what happened, and think I'm cheating. If you are with me again suddenly, those people It’s just that you don’t have eyesight.”

(End of this chapter)

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