Chapter 2422 Those who understand don't need to say it, and those who don't understand don't need to say it (3)

"Silly boy." Luo Zhen felt sorry for his precious daughter.

Even though he is so pleasing to many people, he also has to admit that after this incident, the relationship between Lu Sui and Shi Zuizui has grown deeper.

From now on, life and death cannot be separated from Lu Sui and Shi Zuizui, right?
He can now understand why Luo Chun doesn't want him to intervene in this matter.

Because this is not a couple that outsiders can get involved with, Xiaochun sees it more thoroughly than he does.

"You are so good, you will meet a better man than Lu Sui in the future." Luo Zhen suddenly felt a little regretful.

If it wasn't for him to come up with Lu Sui's idea to let Luo Chun and Lu Sui have more contact in the name of work, Luo Chun would not be trapped by love.

Everything started because of him.

"There won't be any more." Luo Chun wiped away tears: "He is the best."

There will never be a man like Lu Sui again, and it is impossible for her to like other men like Lu Sui.

Even though Lu Sui didn't know her thoughts about him from the beginning to the end, she still felt that it was her blessing to fall in love with Lu Sui in this life.

Luo Zhen knew that his daughter was stubborn and didn't know what to say.

The disaster was caused by him, and it was impossible for him to conjure up a second Lu Sui.I just hope that as time passes, Luo Chun's love for Lu Sui will fade away.

At this moment, Luo Zhen just wanted to quickly introduce some outstanding young talents to Luo Chun, and even wanted Luo Chun to completely forget about Lu Sui.

Luo Chun stayed at home for half a day on Saturday, and later, while talking on the phone with Liu Ruolan, he decided to go shopping for a while.

She didn't expect that there was another strange woman accompanying her.

Liu Ruolan took the initiative to explain Luo Chun's confusion, "This is my assistant Xiang Xiaorou, and she happened to be there too, so I brought her here."

Luo Chun has no airs, and introduced himself: "I am Luo Chun."

Xiang Xiaorou hurriedly replied: "Miss Luo is so beautiful. In the past, I only licked the screen through the screen, but today I saw a real person, and found that the real person is much more beautiful than the Internet."

Luo Chun was tired of listening to such Gong Wei's words, and didn't take Xiang Xiaorou's words to heart.

When she was shopping with Liu Ruolan, Xiang Xiaorou was in charge of twisting things, but she was also a dedicated assistant.

When they were tired from shopping, the three of them found a teahouse, ordered some snacks, and chatted while eating.

Xiang Xiaorou browsed the webpage at the side, and frowned when she saw the news about Shi Zuizui.

Seeing that her expression was different, Liu Ruolan came over to see what happened. It was Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui's news.

"The relationship between the two of them is nothing new, why do you have such an expression?" Liu Ruolan said, and handed Xiang Xiaorou a cup of tea.

Xiang Xiaorou snorted softly, "I just can't understand Shi Zuizui's demeanor. Stepping on Ms. Luo's position, she has done this kind of thing before, and now she doesn't change her bad habit."

Luo Chun became interested when he heard this: "Have you dealt with Shi Zuizui before?"

"It's been a while. At that time, she went to work for Huanyu Group for some reason and changed her name to Yu Nian. I didn't know that she was Shi Zuizui, the head of the clan hall. Before she came, I was the confidential secretary. It was because of Shi Zuizui , I had no choice but to leave Huanyu Group..."

Xiang Xiaorou made a long story short and told what happened.Of course, she didn't say anything about her liking for Zheng Yong.

At the end, she had some tears in her eyes: "I worked in Huanyu Group for several years, and joined that company as soon as I graduated. I finally became a confidential secretary, but I was forced to leave because of drunkenness. If I don't hate Shi Zui drunk, that is impossible."

(End of this chapter)

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