Chapter 2425 The Irrefutable Evidence of Infidelity in Marriage (2)

Zhang Hui's hatred for Shi Zuizui has a long history.

Probably when Shi Zuizui was very young, Shi Zuizui looked at her with hatred in her eyes. At that time, she regarded Shi Zuizui as a thorn in her side and a thorn in her flesh, and even thought of many ways to drive Shi Zuizui out. Shi family gate.

That time when Shi Zuizui got sick and had a fever, she almost killed Shi Zuizui, it was all Shi Shi's bad deeds.

Facts have proved that her fear of Shi Zuizui was not unreasonable, and the Shi family was finally destroyed in Shi Zuizui's hands.

"The winner is the one who has the last laugh. It's not the end yet, so why make a conclusion too early?" Shi Ran replied quietly.

With her teaming up with Shi Shi, no matter how powerful Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui are, they will not be afraid.

Recently, Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui have been very popular, making headlines every day and becoming the envy of everyone.

If Shi Shi has something good to announce at this time, maybe he can fight against Shi Zuizui.

"Nie Zhen hasn't proposed to me yet, how can I make an official announcement?" Seeing Shi Ran asking about this matter, Shi Shi was a little unhappy: "Besides, I haven't dated him for long, so it's impossible to announce something good so soon."

"I'm just asking casually, sister, don't be angry. Since there is no good news from my sister's side, let Wen Tingting steal Shi Zuizui's limelight. Don't these two sisters like to be noticed? I will let them suffer The world scolds!" Shi Ran's eyes showed a ruthless look.

"Has the opportunity arrived?" Shi Shi hurriedly asked, his expression a little excited.

"Everything is ready, almost. I didn't want to show the ultimate move so soon, but Shi Zuizui and Lu Sui's high-profile made me change my mind. When they are excited, this timing is just right. As far as I know, Wen Tingting and Ding Lun's divorce lawsuit will start soon, showing our cards at this time is the best gift for Shi Zuizui and Wen Tingting."

Shi Ran said every word.

Shi Shi is not as confident as Shi Ran: "I always feel that God is helping Shi get drunk. Every time I think I can crucify her, she can always retreat unscathed."

I just hope this time, it will be different.

"My sister is getting less and less confident. With me around, the situation will be different. In any case, we can't let them dampen morale." Shi Ran can understand Shi Shi's mood.

Once she was also hit and devastated. It took her two years to get up and regain her confidence.

If they themselves don't have the confidence to deal with Shi Zuizui and Wen Tingting, then how will the sisters deal with them next?

Confidence is given by oneself, inferiority cannot.

"I hope." Shi Shi didn't have any confidence when he answered.

It is a good thing for Shi Ran to be confident.And she and Shi Zuizui have fought so many times, so many times they all ended in failure.

Sometimes she has to admit that Shi Zuizui is not a hard nut to crack.Whenever she thought that she could defeat this woman, this woman would give her a blow.

She hoped that Shi Ran was more promising than her and could win Shi Zuizui.

Zhang Hui was not willing to be lonely, and made suggestions from the side: "How about we make an indecent video of Wen Tingting and portray her as a prostitute who everyone shouts and beats?"

Shi Ran's eyes flickered slightly: "If it's a P picture, it's a bit difficult."

"Who said P pictures are necessary? Find a woman who looks like Wen Tingting, wouldn't it be a success?!" Zhang Hui said harshly.

Since Wen Tingting is going to be destroyed, of course it must be completely destroyed so that Wen Tingting will never see the light of day.

(End of this chapter)

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