Chapter 2429 Chilling (2)

Shi Zuizui could already foresee that he would make a lot of money in the near future.

She didn't tell anyone about this matter, except for Lu Sui, no one knew that she had bought a lot of shares of City Transport Group in the secondary market.

As for Wen Tingting's indecent video incident, it is constantly fermenting, and the popularity remains high.

Because of the video incident, some so-called netizens picked up the disgraceful incidents of Wen Tingting's past.

Wen Tingting's pursuit of Lu Sui a few years ago, and Wen Tingting's past with fake Lu Sui, in short, all her black spots in the past have been picked up.

One interesting thing is that after Wen Tingting was exposed to these scandals, Ding Lun, her husband, never said a word to Wen Tingting, let alone clarified for her.

So everyone has more reason to believe that Wen Tingting is not only cheating in marriage, but also has a bad life style. Such a woman has the face to file a divorce lawsuit with Ding Lun, she has no shame.

Netizens abused and besieged Wen Tingting in various ways, and the words were unsightly.

Although Shi Zuizui knows that Wen Tingting has a strong psychological quality, he still tells Wen Tingting not to read the comments on the Internet.

Wen Tingting didn't listen to persuasion, and insisted on watching his excitement.

After reading it, she was unmoved, neither angry nor annoyed, which was beyond Shi Zuizui's expectation.

She didn't expect that this girl's psychological quality is so strong now.

"I have come out of the predicament of the City Sports Group, how can I still be afraid of these strangers' gossip?" Wen Tingting sneered.

Only people she cares about can hurt her, as for other insignificant passers-by A or B, she doesn't care at all.

Shi Zuizui patted Wen Tingting's head kindly: "You girl has really grown up."

Wen Tingting was dumbfounded by her reaction: "Okay, do you really think I'm a child? I'm childish, and I think other people are just like you."

She is the chief executive of Tangtang City Sports Group. Although she has not officially taken over the company, she will definitely become the chairman of City Sports Group in the future. She is absolutely confident in this.

"You're my younger sister, aren't you just a child? I think you're the same as Xiao Tiantian, you haven't grown up yet." Shi Zuizui looked at Wen Tingting kindly.

Wen Tingting was speechless.

She is so big, how can she be compared with that little chubby girl like Xiao Tiantian?

But just ignore Shi Zuizui's words, there is really no need to be serious with her.

Wen Tingting had no idea after reading it, but Yao Lijun was different.She pays close attention to the news on the Internet from time to time, and when she sees netizens scolding Wen Tingting, she will put on a vest and step forward to scold him.

At a young age, it was the first time that she was so angry that netizens vomited blood and did such a naive thing.

What disgusted her the most was Ding Lun's attitude.

Up to now, Ding Lun has been pretending to be dead. Others don't know the truth, but the truth is that Tingting divorced him because he cheated first.

Knowing the truth, Ding Lun watched the netizens insulting Tingting, but never stood up and said a word for Tingting. How could such a person not be called Tingting's heart?
No wonder Tingting made up her mind to divorce Ding Lun. What's the use of keeping such a husband, she should have divorced long ago.

So far, Yao Lijun's last bit of uncertainty about the divorce has vanished.

She only hoped that the divorce lawsuit would be resolved in the shortest possible time, and she also hoped that after the divorce, Ding Lun would cut off contact with Wen Tingting from now on.

Because neither Shi Zuizui nor Wen Tingting took any action, Yao Lijun had no place to vent her anger, so she simply sent a lawyer's letter to the rumor-mongering media.

(End of this chapter)

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