Chapter 2453 His New Love (2)

Wen Changdong was about to go downstairs when he saw Shi Zuizui and Wen Tingting sitting together.Both sisters are good-looking, and their relationship seems to be going well.

How long has it been since Tingting's heart was abducted by Shi Zuizui?

He was somewhat unhappy in his heart, always feeling that Wen Tingting had become different from before.

Yao Lijun looked up and saw Wen Changdong standing at the corner of the stairs, "Tingting, look who is back."

Wen Tingting followed Yao Lijun's line of sight and saw that it was Wen Changdong. She jumped up excitedly and rushed to Wen Changdong: "When did brother come back?"

"I arrived in Ancheng this afternoon. Let me see, you girl is getting more and more beautiful." Wen Changdong pulled Wen Tingting around, his eyes showing admiration.

Sure enough, his younger sister is beautiful, but Ding Lun has no vision, and he would not want a wife as perfect as Wen Tingting, but he would get involved with an ugly monster like Chen Xiaoyu.

Wen Tingting snorted softly: "Brother also knew he was coming back, I thought there were so many beauties abroad, I forgot the way home."

Wen Changdong fondled Wen Tingting's head: "No matter how many foreign beauties there are, they are not as beautiful as our Tingting."

Shi Zuizui looked at the scene of Wen Changdong and Wen Tingting's love from a distance, with a smile on his face.

Afraid of her overthinking, Yao Lijun said to her in a low voice: "Changdong and Tingting have always had a good relationship. Although he is older than you, he has been spoiled. You have a lot of adults, let your brother be more."

Changdong still has a prejudice against Zuizui and is unwilling to open his heart.

It was fine not living under one roof before, and there would be no conflicts if we didn't see each other.Now that his son is back, he still has to face the problems he should face.

"Since he is the elder brother, why is my younger sister letting it go? Even the little catfish knows how to take care of and protect Tiantian." Shi Zuizui replied calmly.

What she meant, of course, was that Wen Changdong came to let her.

Yao Lijun was at a loss for words for a while, and felt that her daughter's words were quite reasonable.

It's just that since his son came back, he hasn't said a word to Zui Zui, nor has he looked at Zui Zui directly. She, as a mother, is also heartbroken.

After Wen Tingting finished talking with Wen Changdong, she pulled him to sit next to Shi Zuizui, and she suggested, "How about it, the three of us, brothers and sisters, come to sing K?"

"Not interested!" Wen Changdong immediately refused when he heard that Shi Zuizui would also participate.

"I want to cleanse my brother, won't he give me face?" Wen Tingting looked at Wen Changdong resentfully.

Wen Changdong couldn't stand her eyes the most, so he was defeated: "All right, all right, you can do whatever you want."

"I knew that brother loved me the most." Wen Tingting took Wen Changdong's arm, smiling brightly.

In this way, the three brothers and sisters of the Wen family went to the karaoke room, and Wen Tianhao and his wife also wanted to join in the fun, but Wen Tingting disliked them, and finally had to leave in despair, leaving room for the three children to sing.

Wen Tingting is a karaoke expert, and he won't let go of the mic.Wen Changdong occasionally came to sing a few lines, only Shi Zuizui watched from the beginning to the end, watching their siblings sing.

After Wen Tingting sang enough, he put the microphone in Shi Zuizui's hand: "You have a song too."

It is also a miracle that someone can still be so calm in the karaoke room.

"I can't sing." Shi Zuizui wasn't being modest, she really couldn't sing at all.

"If you have a mouth, you can sing no matter whether you sing well or not. Sing, if you can't sing well, my brother and I won't laugh at you."

(End of this chapter)

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