Chapter 2455 His New Love (4)

In the next week, Wen Changdong did not appear in everyone's field of vision, and Wen Tingting felt a little abnormal.

When she called Wen Changdong, Wen Changdong said angrily: "I'm in a relationship, I'm very busy, I don't have time, that's it!"

When Wen Tingting heard this, he felt that it made sense.

The elder brother is not young, she is getting married and almost divorced, and his relationship has not yet settled down.Last time, he also met with an unkind person, and he fell in love with Gao Ling, that poisonous scorpion woman.

I hope this time he can meet a nice girl, fall in love, get married and have children.

No one expected that Wen Changdong's new love would be exposed so quickly.

When Shi Zuizui saw the woman in the same frame as Wen Changdong, his pupils constricted.She called Wen Tingting immediately and asked her to find out who Wen Changdong's girlfriend was and what her name was.

Wen Tingting heard something wrong with Shi Zuizui's tone, "Is there something wrong with this woman?"

"Of course there is a problem. She is Xiang Xiaorou, and she has a grudge against me. Wen Changdong went to find a woman like Gao Ling last time, and this time he is looking for Xiang Xiaorou. Is he sick?!" Shi Zuizui's voice suddenly increased big.

Wen Tingting was taken aback, "Who is Xiang Xiaorou?"

Shi Zuizui made a long story short, and recounted the process of dealing with Xiang Xiaorou in Bincheng: "This woman is not a good person, and your brother's vision is too bad. I always look for such a woman."

Wen Tingting sneered back: "It's as if my brother is not your brother."

But I have to say that my elder brother's vision is indeed not ordinary.There are so many women in the world, why did he choose someone as uneasy and kind as Xiang Xiaorou?
"Okay, I'll talk to him quickly." Shi Zuizui was not in the mood and hung up the phone.

Wen Tingting also knew that the matter was urgent, so after chatting with Shi Zuizui, he immediately called Wen Changdong.The phone was finally connected, but Wen Changdong seemed to be still sleeping when he heard Wen Changdong's voice?

She rushed to the hotel where Wen Changdong was staying as quickly as possible, and the person who opened the door was Wen Changdong.

She searched carefully in the guest room, but couldn't find Xiang Xiaorou.

"Are you looking to see if there are any Tibetan women here?" Wen Changdong joked.

Wen Tingting pulled him to sit down: "How far have you and Xiang Xiaorou progressed?"

Wen Changdong looked sideways when he heard the words: "How do you know Xiaorou?"

It seems that Xiang Xiaorou's name has not been exposed, how did Wen Tingting know it?

"That's a good question. My good brother, can you have a worse eye for finding women? You used to like that disgusting woman Gao Ling, but now you're getting entangled with Xiang Xiaorou? You know that Xiang Xiaorou is drunk? Is it a holiday? That woman hates Zuizui to death, and she took the initiative to approach you, isn't it because you are Wen Changdong, Shi Zuizui's elder brother?!"

After Wen Tingting finished speaking, he continued to complain, and Wen Changdong on the other end of the phone became very silent.

She spoke dryly, and when Wen Changdong didn't return her, she pushed him: "Brother, did you listen to me?"

"Didn't you realize that since Shi Zuizui came back, our lives have been messed up by her. Even if I have a girlfriend like Xiao Rou, it's Shi Zuizui's fault. You can only blame her. You How much suffering and suffering because of Shi Zuizui? Why don't you hate her at all?"

This is what Wen Changdong couldn't understand.

Obviously before Shi Zuizui appeared, Tingting's life was very simple, but because of that woman Shi Zuizui, her life became chaotic.

Just like that, Tingting still doesn't hate Shi Zuizui, and he can't understand how he can continue to be good sisters with this woman.

(End of this chapter)

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