Chapter 2461 Marriage (2)

Wen Xiang's complexion suddenly changed.

In the past, Lu Sui came to Wen's family and never looked at her directly, but it is impossible not to know her identity.

He simply taunted her in this way on purpose!
Lu Sui didn't bother to pay attention to Wen Xiang, an outsider. He said to Shi Zuizui, "Speak nice words for your man. Whether I can stay or not is up to you."

Shi Zuizui was a little confused: "Are you serious?!"

"Does it seem like I'm here for a fake?" Lu Sui was very helpless.

Shi Zuizui looked at Lu Sui, then at Ms. Yao who was unwilling to go down the steps, and she clapped her hands: "That's fine, I'll take you to live in my house for a while!"

Yao Lijun knew that girls were extroverted, and this kid didn't know how to hide it at all.

Seeing that Ms. Yao did not object, Shi Zuizui knew that it was a tacit consent.

She smiled and said: "I'll go and prepare a sleeping space for you now."

"I want to live in your bedroom!" Lu Sui said hastily.

This time Shi Zuizui hadn't objected yet, Yao Lijun had already shouted loudly: "No!"

Lu Sui wanted to ask why not, but was kicked by Shi Zuizui.He glared at the woman, who winked at him frequently, and in the end he could only temporarily compromise.

When he was assigned to the room farthest from Shi Zuizui, he was very upset: "How can this be?"

He moved in to live with her, not separate from her.

Shi Zuizui suppressed a smile, and said back to him: "My mother is watching closely, you just moved in, so don't be too high-profile. When my mother completely accepts you, where do you want to live is not a matter of one word? "

Lu Sui didn't seem to be such an impatient person either.

"Then you secretly live with me at night." Lu Sui thought this was a good way.

Shi Zuizui gave him a chestnut, "Don't overwhelm your brain, do you think Ms. Yao is a vegetarian?"

In Wen's house, it's better for Lu Sui to be honest, she believes that Jiang is old and spicy.

"Then what's the point of me getting married?" Lu Sui was miserable, this was not the result he wanted.

Seeing his loveless and silly appearance, Shi Zuizui held back a smile: "You still have time to move out now."

"Don't move! It's only decent for our family of four to live together. You are all my dearest people." Lu Sui replied coldly.

He didn't believe it anymore, he was able to do a job with ease in the mall, and he still couldn't make Yao Lijun let go of his guard against him.

That night, Lu Sui couldn't sleep anyway.He thought about Shi Zuizui, his heart was under the eaves, why not steal incense and jade?
At this point in time, Yao Lijun must be asleep, right?

Xindong acted immediately, he got up immediately, sneaked out of the guest room, and went to Shi Zuizui's bedroom.

Unexpectedly, before he reached the door of Shi Zuizui's room, he heard Yao Lijun's voice behind him: "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, do you want to steal chickens and dogs?"

Lu Sui armed his face, turned his head and smiled and said, "Mom, I'm looking for the toilet and I lost my way."

"Your guest room has a bathroom." Yao Lijun exposed Lu Sui's lie.

"I fell asleep and forgot about it, so I'll go back to the house. Mom also go to bed earlier, good night." Lu Sui showed a charming smile, and returned to his bedroom as if nothing had happened.

Yao Lijun looked at Lu Sui's back, sneered and whispered: "If you want to fight with me, you are still young!"

After returning to the guest room, Lu Sui sent a text message to Shi Zuizui: "You are right, ginger is still old and spicy."

Ms. Yao Lijun actually saw through his evil intentions, waited for him early, and caught him right away.

(End of this chapter)

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