Chapter 2469 Tensions (2)

Wen Changdong did not expect that Wen Tingting would tear down his own platform.In the eyes of this girl, his elder brother was her most admired object.Well now, her favorite person has become Shi Zuizui.

At this moment, she was still helping Shi Zuizui, and turned around to deal with him, how could there be such a heartless thing.

"Chang Dong means that not only Shi Zuizui is good-looking, but Tingting you are also good-looking." Xiang Xiaorou smoothed things over.

Of course, she was not trying to please Shi Zuizui, but because of Wen Tingting's special status, she was the person Wen Changdong cared about most.

It is undeniable that she likes Wen Changdong's identity, but at the beginning, it was Wen Changdong who she liked.

Her feelings for Wen Changdong are not child's play.

Now seeing that Wen Tingting made Wen Changdong unhappy, of course she wanted to smooth things over to make Wen Changdong happy.

"What do you need to talk too much?" Wen Tingting said disdainfully.

Seeing her attitude, Wen Changdong lowered his face and said, "You weren't such a rude girl before. It's because you've been drunk with Shi Zui for a long time that you become as rude as her, right?!"

Wen Tingting became angry when he heard this: "It's clear that you have a prejudice against Zui Zui? From the very beginning, you deliberately found Xiang Xiaorou, a woman, in order to befriend Zui Zui!"

Wen Changdong still wanted to refute, but as the head of the family, Wen Tianhao couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't talk when you eat, don't talk when you sleep, shut up!"

All of Wen Changdong's rebuttals stuck in his throat.

He glared at Wen Tingting fiercely, and Wen Tingting snorted softly: "What are you looking at, didn't I hit your heart?"

"Tingting, shut up too!" Wen Tianhao glanced over sharply.

Seeing the stupid appearance of Wen Tingting protecting Shi Zuizui, Wen Changdong is even more dissatisfied with Shi Zuizui.

He deeply felt that the relationship between him and Wen Tingting would not have become so tense without Shi Zuizui disturbing the situation.

Everything is Shi Zuizui's fault!

Wen Changdong's venomous gaze swept over from time to time, and it was hard for Shi Zuizui not to see it.

Seeing this, Lu Sui said softly, "Your attention should be on me. As for others who are not popular, there is no need to pay attention to them."

He said this to Wen Changdong.

In his eyes, Wen Changdong is indeed not popular.

As long as Wen Changdong has a little pity for Shi Zuizui, and as long as he regards Shi Zuizui as his younger sister, he will not look at her with such hatred.

Maybe it's because their siblings are naturally at odds, and that's okay.

If Wen Changdong wanted to deal with Shi Zuizui, he would be overestimating his capabilities.

"Lu Sui, who did you say just now is not popular?!" Wen Changdong became furious.

"It's about you, Wen Changdong! How capable do you think you are? Where were you when the city sports group had an accident? Where were you when Tingting was in the most difficult time? When you were drunk and suffering in Shi's house, you were an older brother Where is it? Your two younger sisters don't owe you anything, so don't act like the whole world owes you!"

Lu Sui wiped his lips gracefully, and looked at Wen Changdong indifferently: "The reason why you, Wen Changdong, grew up safely is that you are lucky. You were born in a good family like the Wen family, and you only rely on Wen Changdong." It’s just a home. Without the Wen family, you Wen Changdong is nothing!”

It's just an eldest young master who doesn't know the sufferings of the world, how can he show his face to other people?

Wen Changdong's expression changed again and again, and he yelled, "You fart!"

The one surnamed Lu actually made him unable to step down in front of everyone in the Wen family. He followed Lu endlessly!
(End of this chapter)

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