Chapter 2474 You will not go long with him (3)

Because of this, when Wen Changdong and Xiang Xiaorou were together, Wen Tingting observed carefully for a while.But to be honest, she didn't see anything wrong, she just thought the picture of Wen Changdong and Xiang Xiaorou standing together was beautiful.

In the past, Xiang Xiaorou was Zheng Yong's confidential secretary. A person who can be the confidential secretary of a large group company is not that bad in appearance.

What's more, Xiang Xiaorou is really beautiful.The picture of standing with Wen Changdong is quite eye-catching.

Other than that, she really didn't see anything wrong.

After studying for about an hour, she chose to give up.

Now, in her opinion, Wen Changdong and Xiang Xiaorou are a normal couple, and there is nothing wrong with them.In other words, Shi Zuizui has an occupational disease, so he likes to study details.

Shi Zuizui is the owner of the ancestral hall, so it makes sense that he can see faults that ordinary people can't see.

At ten o'clock in the morning the next day, Wen Changdong reported to Urban Sports Group.

He went to the office first, and when the office supervisor saw that he had arrived so late, his face was not very good-looking, so he gave him a scolding immediately.

As the prince of the Wen family, Wen Changdong has never tried to be outnumbered like this.

However, he held back and did not refute.

When the office supervisor took him to a utility room with dim light, pointed to one of the office seats and told him that it was his desk, his face immediately darkened: "Are you sure that is my office seat?! "

"Mr. Wen personally confessed, that's your position, and you will be an ordinary employee in the logistics department from now on."

The office manager deliberately strengthened the word "ordinary".

Of course, this is something Wen Tingting confessed on purpose.

"I'll go find her!" Wen Changdong kept silent, suppressed his anger, and rushed to Wen Tingting's office floor as quickly as possible.

Before he entered the office, he was stopped by Yang Jian: "President Wen told me that I don't have time to entertain Young Master Wen today!"

Wen Tingting had expected that Wen Changdong would kill her to question her, so he was well prepared.

"What else did she say?" Wen Changdong asked angrily.

"Mr. Wen wants to join the company, and Mr. Wen has already arranged a position. If Mr. Wen is not satisfied with the job, he can quit. This is Mr. Wen's original words." Yang replied sternly.

Wen Changdong frowned, this was not the result he wanted.

He didn't expect Wen Tingting to send him away in this way, to get him to the logistics department. Isn't this a clear way to make him quit?
Of course he was furious and called Wen Tingting, hoping she could give him an explanation.

It's a pity that no one answered the phone all the time, Wen Tingting was going to let him hang out.

"If I were Young Master Wen, I would work hard in the logistics department." Yang Jian's voice reached Wen Changdong's ears.

Wen Changdong sneered upon hearing this.

He is the upright prince of the Wen family, let him work as a small employee in the logistics department?Ridiculous.

"Who didn't start with small employees? Today's Urban Transport Group is not decided by Mr. Wen. No one can casually insert people into the company, and Mr. Wen is not allowed as the president of Urban Transport Group. Everyone is based on their own abilities. Those who are capable live there, if Wen Shao is really capable, he will naturally be able to find his own foothold in the company." Yang Jian said again.

"Which green onion do you count, you can also tell me what to do?!" Naturally, Wen Changdong couldn't listen to Yang Jian's words, and in a rage, he shook his sleeves and left.

He went back to Wen's house and asked Yao Lijun for comment.

(End of this chapter)

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