Chapter 2479 Act first! (4)

Shi Zuizui wrinkled his nose slightly, and replied disapprovingly: "Things happened so fast, I even forgot that he was my brother. Besides, which brother here would beat his sister? He didn't treat me as a sister, I Why do you feel bad that he is my brother?"

"Are you still talking too much?! With your virtue, who would like it?" Wen Changdong was so angry that he wanted to curse.

And he could see that Ms. Yao was clearly targeting Shi Zui Zui, a vicious woman.

"I like getting drunk very much." Lu Sui expressed his opinion immediately.

Wen Tingting echoed from the side: "I like it too."

Yao Lijun didn't like Wen Changdong's words, so she replied, "Zui Zui is excellent, very likable, and I like it very much. As long as they are normal people, they will like Zui Zui."

The implication is that Wen Changdong is not normal, so he often picks on Shi Zuizui.

Wen Changdong was so disgusted by the people in this room, he had nowhere to vent his anger and pushed Xiang Xiaorou away.

Xiang Xiaorou was not prepared at all, and was pushed to the ground by him like this, and the fall was hard.

"You, why are you pushing me?" She was a little aggrieved.

It is clear that she is towards him, isn't it?

Wen Changdong was in a bad mood, so he just flung his sleeves and left.

Only Xiang Xiaorou was left sitting on the ground, looking at Wen Changdong's back with a gloomy expression.

Usually, Wen Changdong treats her well, and he obeys her in almost everything.Whatever she wants, he will give.

But just now, Wen Changdong not only pushed her down, but also left without a word of comfort after pushing her down.

She suppressed her disappointment, struggled to get up, and then chased out.

Wen Changdong rushed all the way to the pool, and when Xiang Xiaorou chased him, he was sitting by the pool and sulked.

Xiang Xiaorou sat down beside him, and comforted him, "Didn't we know that Shi Zuizui is a celebrity in this family? Why not be angry, she won't be proud for long."

Now Wen Xiang throws an olive branch to him, as long as he joins hands with Wen Xiang, one day the Wen family will face up to Wen Changdong's existence.

Wen Changdong was thrown over the shoulder by Shi Zuijiu just now, and now his whole body hurts: "I just can't understand why everyone is turning towards her. It's obviously her fault, but they are all turning towards her."

And those people are his close relatives, how can they be so unfair?

Wen Tingting, who used to regard him as an idol, did the same, which made him unbearable.

"Don't be angry. We can't let Shi Zuizui get too complacent. We'll go back when you calm down. I'm the person Shi Zuizui doesn't like to see the most. She'll be fine." Xiang Xiaorou comforted Wen Changdong softly.

After hearing what she said, Wen Changdong felt reasonable: "I really can't make her too proud."

No matter how angry he is, he has to go back.

The person Shi Zuizui doesn't want to see the most is Xiang Xiaorou, it seems that he should marry Xiang Xiaorou, so that he can keep Shi Zuizui together for the rest of his life.

After calming down, Wen Changdong took Xiang Xiaorou, and returned to the living room hand in hand with her.

Everyone in the Wen family was there. When Wen Changdong came back, everyone's expressions didn't change. Shi Zuizui didn't look at Wen Changdong directly.

When it was time for dinner, Wen Changdong suddenly announced: "Mom, I plan to settle down with Xiaorou as soon as possible, and next month at the latest, I want to get married with Xiaorou."

Yao Lijun frowned when she heard the words: "No way!"

She had said earlier that she would not accept Xiang Xiaorou marrying into Wen's family. Wen Changdong married this woman home, wouldn't it make Wen's family have no peace?
(End of this chapter)

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