Chapter 2491 I hope he is happy (4)

So, she had to marry Wen Changdong as soon as possible.Now she lives in Wen's house with a wrong name and bad words. If Wen Changdong hadn't led the way, she wouldn't have been able to live in Wen's house.

On the other side, Wen Tingting's car was parked at the company, and she went home in Wen Changdong's car, hoping to strengthen the precarious relationship between siblings.

After Xiang Xiaorou called, Wen Tingting asked curiously: "Do you like Xiang Xiaorou very much?"

Xiang Xiaorou may be beautiful, but she still won't be so fascinated by Young Master Wen, right?She really didn't find any advantages in Xiang Xiaorou that could make Wen Changdong obsessed.

"Of course. If you don't like her, why should I marry her?" Wen Changdong didn't comment.

"Come on, what can't you do for the sake of Shi Zuizui?" Wen Tingting didn't believe Wen Changdong's words.

"Damn girl, don't you believe what I say?" Wen Changdong disagreed.

If it is said that his first impression of Xiang Xiaorou was definitely not as amazing as Gao Ling's.But after getting along with Xiang Xiaorou, I found that she knows the general situation.

In addition, it was the window period, and Xiang Xiaorou just appeared at this time, so he had a relationship with her.

When he and Xiang Xiaorou had a relationship, their relationship was exposed.

It has to be said that it was Shi Zuizui's participation that accelerated the development of his relationship with Xiang Xiaorou.

When he first met Xiang Xiaorou, he didn't expect to have the idea of ​​marrying Xiang Xiaorou.

"This is a matter of my brother's feelings. As a younger sister, I will not interfere." Wen Tingting expressed his thoughts.

Although she dislikes Xiang Xiaorou just like Shi Zuizui, it is Wen Changdong's own emotional matter after all.No matter what the outcome between Wen Changdong and Xiang Xiaorou will be in the future, it is Wen Changdong's own choice.

"Didn't you like Shi Zuizui before, didn't you like my relationship with Xiaorou?" Wen Changdong was a little surprised.

To be precise, Wen Tingting felt that what Shi Zuizui said made sense.

"Aren't I afraid that I will be deceived? Now that I think about it, I am an adult. No matter what I choose, I will bear the consequences in the future. There is no way for outsiders to make irresponsible remarks about feelings. In short, no matter what I choose Whether I will be with Xiang Xiaorou in the future, I support my brother's decision."

Wen Tingting's words are sincere, and this is also what she has in mind.

Wen Changdong's eyes flickered slightly, and he said back to her: "Then you accepted Xiaorou as your sister-in-law?"

"Didn't I say just now, brother can do whatever he wants, it's just that feelings are such a thing, it's best not to use it as a tool for anger." Wen Tingting finally added: "I hope that brother can marry a beloved woman, Happy marriage."

Wen Changdong blinked slightly.

If he married Xiang Xiaorou, the married life should be happy, right?
Originally, he had no intention of getting married before the age of 35, but it was Shi Zuizui who made him want to marry Xiang Xiaorou home as soon as possible. Is this decision considered a prank?
Suddenly, he wasn't so sure.

He was still thinking about it until he got home.

Yao Lijun was a little surprised because Wen Tingting and Wen Changdong went home together.Isn't the relationship between these two brothers and sisters tense, and they reconciled so quickly?

After seeing Yao Lijun, Wen Tingting discussed with Yao Lijun: "I have talked with brother. Since brother is an adult, he should decide his relationship and marriage by himself. Although we are his relatives, we can't help him. He lives. So, if I want to marry Xiang Xiaorou, then let me do it, I support you in this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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